In support of World Mental Health Day during the week of 8th-14th October 2016 England Athletics, supported by Mind the mental health charity, are encouraging people to #runandtalk to improve their mental wellbeing through running and break down the stigma associated with mental health by getting people talking about it.
How does it work?
1) Join the event on Facebook
2) Tag other people to tell them about it and encourage them to run
3) Run one mile or further during the 8th-14th October (where possible on Monday 10th October which is World Mental Health Day) either with friends, family or colleagues at a time and location of your choice or by joining one of the organised runs at an England Athletics club or RunTogether group listed at (please note runs will be listed from Friday 23rd September).
4) If you want to, wear a ‘reason card’ to show why, who or what you’re running for (for example anxiety, my Mum etc), available to download and print from This is optional.
5) If you want to, upload a photograph to social media and the event page using a ‘#runandtalk board’ (add the name of the club/group, organisation or family you are running with if you want) at the end of your run to show people you’ve taken part. Available to download and print from This is optional.
6) Talk about it on social media using #runandtalk.
What counts as a run?
One mile or further, you choose the distance and location that suits you. You don’t have to run the whole way, walking and jogging is allowed!
Organised runs
Organised runs are planned by England Athletics affiliated clubs and RunTogether Groups. They are led by a UKA qualified leader or coach and finish with a social element so you can go for a drink or something similar afterwards. Anyone of any running ability can join a run even if you’ve never run before and are not a member of that club or group.
Mental Health Ambassadors
Some runs will have one of our volunteer Mental Health Ambassadors present (marked on the list of runs). All our friendly ambassadors have lived experience of mental health problems themselves or through close family or friends and are passionate about improving mental wellbeing through running.
Who can take part?
Anyone can take part. Organised runs will however have a minimum age so check the information for the run you wish to join.
Do I have to have a mental health problem to take part?
No, anyone can take part. 1 in 4 of us experience mental health problems each year and running can help everyone’s mental wellbeing. We can all play a part in breaking down the stigma attached to mental health
Mental Health Help and Support Services
If you are experiencing mental health problems or need urgent support, there are lots of places you can go to for help. They are listed here: