Weekly Calendar.

Week commencing 6th May

Who was at the Wymeswold Waddle today? Looks like Katy H, Julia M and Chloe J were plus some of the juniors too.  I can’t find any results from the 10K “gin run” at Stapleford that took place today – would be intrigued to know what that was like if anyone did it (other than fairly expensive).
At Uppingham Sprint Tri were Emma G (3rd female overall!), Lewis H, Mark T, Rachel W and Ashley P all completing the course and at Manchester Urban Orienteering were Steve M, Carol S-M and I.
Missed out from last week, Tony O ran the Newport half marathon, getting a PB – well done Tony.
Touring at parkruns away from Melton this week were Mark P and Michelle D at Colwick, Rich P and Izzy C at Keswick, Rich G at Fell Foot (also in the Lake District), Anthony I at Leicester Victoria, Kristy N and I at Stratford-upon-Avon, Daryl B at Chilton Fields (Stowmarket), Katy H at Watermead, Joe F, Mark T and Nicola T at Abbey Park and Neil J at Thonock Lane Farm (Lincs).
Wednesday outrun
This week’s outrun starts from the Stilton Cheese inn, LE14 2QB at 7pm and heads towards Burrough Hill.
There are 2 routes – a 6 mile and a 5 mile route – lead by Simon B and John H.  If you’d like food, please pre-order before the run.  This one’s always a highlight of the season!
Friday lunchtime social run
Meet in the car park by the cafe at the Melton Country Park at midday for a chatty run.
Sunday race – West End 8 (LRRL)
More details of the race are at this website.  https://www.entrycentral.com/westend8

Ideally arrange to car share please.  We have 36 people signed up – amazing!

Week commencing 29th April

What a horrid day – if you’ve been out training or racing today, I salute you.  Not pleasant!
Firstly, thank you to everyone who came along to the AGM (or sent in their apologies). Our new Chair – Katie Houghton – has written an opening welcome message to members:

As your new chair I wanted to introduce myself.

I became a member of the Stilton Striders Running Club in 2015. I initially joined as I had moved to the Melton area and wanted to explore pastures new as well as incorporate running. Little did I know when joining Striders the positive impact it would have on my life. My first run was a summer outrun taking in the lovely scenery of the Wreake Valley, which of course ended by partaking in a beverage and much chatter at a village pub. I was hooked!  My world of running opened into many adventures with my newfound friends. Exploring a varied range of mountains & fells in the UK, trail runs in Melton and surrounding villages, being coated in mud at the Cross Country races and running in the Leicestershire Road Running League (LRRL) races as part of an amazing team with my fellow Striders.

My life has certainly been enriched by being a member of our wonderful club with making life long friends and loved ones, pushing myself physically and mentally and learning lots about myself along the way.

After hearing that Chris Genes would be stepping down as Chair I felt I would like to have an opportunity at filling this position, so at the AGM on Wednesday I raised my hand upon the question being asked ‘would anyone like to put themselves forward as Chair’. I was the only one to raise my hand so when I received a cheer from my fellow running friends I was unsure if this was a cheer of relief that someone had offered to take up the role rather than it being me!

I certainly have big trainers to fill in replacing Chris as Chair but do hope I can fill this role with as much enthusiasm and energy as he has done for 5 years. I have previously been a member of the Striders committee, Race Director for our annual LRRL race ‘Stilton7’ as well as creating and organising the Bison Bash. With my experience and support of the committee members and other volunteers I hope to continue the great work that Chris has achieved.

Katie Houghton

Great to have Katie on board and I’d like to assure her it was definitely relief – that someone had taken up the mantle AND that it was someone so capable!

Membership fee payments have started to flood in – thank you to everyone who has already paid.  If you’re not running at the moment, injured or busy with other things, it’s perfectly fine to join later in the year.  But if you do carry on coming to training sessions or racing as a Strider, please do pay soon.
Taking on the Boston UK marathon today were James S, Wayne H and Becky F (great times all of you) and at the Longhorn Katy H and Anthony I ran the 10K.
Touring at parkruns yesterday were Gina B at Southend, Anthony I at Rushcliffe, me and Ian B at Forest Rec, Tom W, Lee H-H, Nicola T and Abi A at Belvoir Castle, Joe F, Rich P and Izzy C at Abbey Park, Chris G at Sence Valley and Neil J and Brian W at Brunswick Park (West Mids).
Summer Outrun Season 2024 is here!
Here is a brief description of what our Summer Outruns consist of:

A 5/6 mile trail run (often with a shorter 4/5 mile option too) taking in the beautiful scenery of what Melton Mowbray and surrounding villages have to offer. Each run starts and ends at a village pub so that you can partake in post run refreshments and socialise with your fellow Striders. We stay together with a lead and tail runner so all are welcome.

Our first run will be held this Wednesday 1st May at 7pm from The Grange Garden Centre, Asfordby Hill. The route will be 5.5 miles heading over to Frisby with John H leading and Katie H as tail runner. Please do join us after the run for garlic bread and chips kindly provided by the Mountain Restaurant and the bar will be open for a beverage.

We look forward to seeing you then.

Friday lunchtime social run
Meet in the car park by the cafe at the Melton Country Park at midday for a chatty run.


Week commencing 22nd April

Firstly, a reminder that race entries for the Swithland 6 LRRL race opens tonight at 8pm at this link:  Birstall Running Club Swithland 6 2024 – Sunday 02 June 2024 – Signup via EventEntry
Well done to everyone who completed the London marathon today – Dan K 2:51, Jamie D 3:42, Greeba H 3:46, John H 3:55 and Emily H 4:07 with the club’s place.  Great times from everyone – so glad that all the hard work paid off!  In the virtual marathon, Kristy N & I walked the distance around Melton too.


Also racing today were Emma G and Rachel W at the Wilmslow sprint triathlon as a warm-up for next week’s Uppingham triathlon.
At parkruns this weekend were Lee H-H at Colwick (Nottingham), Nicola T and Abi A at Belton House, Katy H at Haldon Forest (Devon), Tom W and Rachel H at Belvoir Castle, Ian B and I at Yarborough Leisure Centre (Lincoln) and Neil J at Battlestead Croft (Burton-on-Trent).
Wednesday road routes & AGM
This week’s road route options start, as usual, from Melton Sports Village, meeting in the car park at 6:55pm (or inside the leisure centre reception if bad weather).  The routes are 3.5 miles / 5.5 miles / 7.6 miles – see attached and the links below.

Short:                  https://www.plotaroute.com/route/2534833

Medium:            https://www.plotaroute.com/route/2534828

Long:                  Striders Long Route 1 on plotaroute.com

Then afterwards it’s the clubs AGM at the Melton FC clubhouse at MSV, starting at 8:30pm.  I’m told the clubhouse bar will be open but only accepts card payments.  Please can as many as possible of you come along to have your say in what our club does in the coming year, even if you don’t run that evening.
Thursday session
Due to the bad weather last week and the marathon, only one person joined John at the hills session, so it was postponed.  Let’s try again this week!  Meet at Horseguards at the ball court at the top of the hill for a 7pm start.


Friday lunchtime social run

Meet in the car park by the cafe at the Melton Country Park at midday for a chatty run.
<Route 1 short 3.5 miles (2).docx>
<Route 1 middle 5.5 miles (2).docx>
<Route 1 long 7.6 miles (2).docx>


Week commencing 15th April

Firstly, a reminder that race entries for the Steve Morris 5 (Desford) LRRL race open tonight at 8pm at this link: https://www.evententry.co.uk/steve-morris-5-2024
Well done to everyone who was at the Stilton 7 today – 29 runners plus Katie H our Race Director and countless other volunteers (members, family, friends and former members managed by John M).  There are potential problems with hosting this race again in future, but if it was our last time, it was great to bask in the sunshine and enjoy it today.
Marathon season is now well under way.  At Manchester today, Andy M ran 3:00 and Julie A ran 4:02 plus tomorrow, Vicki L is taking on the Boston Marathon – good luck to you!
And next week at London there’s Emily H (with the club’s place), Dan K, John H, Greeba H, Jamie D, Dunc G and possibly others running too – hope you enjoy the taper week and don’t get too much “maranoia”.  Is anyone doing a virtual London marathon that day too?
At parkruns this weekend were James S at Lydiard (Swindon), Dunc G at Moors Valley (Dorset), Anthony I & Katy H at Rushcliffe, Brian W at Humber Bridge, Alison W at Rutland Water, Chris P at Watermead, Neil J at Doddington Hall (Lincoln), Ian B at Belvoir Castle, Kurt & George W and Mike W at Market Bosworth and continuing their exploration down under, Rob & Sharon M were at Darwin sweltering in the heat and humidity.  Great to see a wide variety of local and far flung parkruns you’ll all getting to experience.
Wednesday road routes
This week’s road route options start, as usual, from Melton Sports Village, meeting in the car park at 6:55pm (or inside the leisure centre reception if bad weather).  The routes are 4.1 miles / 6.1 miles / 8.1 miles – see attached and the links below.

Short:                  https://www.plotaroute.com/route/2537872

Medium:             https://www.plotaroute.com/route/2537883

Long:                  Striders Long Route 6 on plotaroute.com

Thursday session
John M will lead a hill session at Horseguards. Meet at the ball court at the top of the hill for a 7pm start.


Friday lunchtime social run
Meet in the car park by the cafe at the Melton Country Park at midday for a chatty run.


Week commencing 8th April

With just under a week to go to our very own LRRL race, the Stilton 7, who’s excited?
If anyone else is free to help get the Stute ready for the race HQ the night before (meeting at 5:30pm), please let John Martin know. The more the merrier.
Also, if this LRRL race makes you want to enter more races, entries for the Steve Morris 5 (Desford) open on Event Entry next Sunday at 8pm too.  Likely to sell out fast.
Finally, before we get onto races, parkruns and this week’s activities, please look out for an email from Chris G all about the club’s AGM soon (happening after our run on Weds 24th April).
It must be the time for half marathons with Striders at 3 different ones at least – at the Rutland half marathon were Lewis H, Kieron C and Jaz K battling the windy conditions plus Ian C similarly at the Belvoir Half plus Emma G and Vanessa W yesterday at the Prague half marathon sweltering in the heat.  Doubling the distance was Niall R (former regular Strider but recently re-joined as a flag of convenience) who competed the Paris marathon in a mind-boggling 2 hrs 52 mins!
At parkruns this weekend were Tony O at Lydiard (Swindon), Kurt & George W at Oxford, Dunc G at Poole, Neil J at Newark, Brian W at Bicester, Katy H and Anthony I at Watermead, Mike W at Belvoir Castle and Dan K, Mark T and Lee H-H at Abbey Park.
Wednesday road routes
This week’s road route options start, as usual, from Melton Sports Village, meeting in the car park at 6:55pm (or inside the leisure centre reception if bad weather).  The routes are 3.8 miles / 5.8 miles / 7.8 miles – see attached and the links below.

Short:                  https://www.plotaroute.com/route/2538839

Medium:              https://www.plotaroute.com/route/2538843

Long:                   Striders Long Route 5 on plotaroute.com


Friday lunchtime social run
Meet in the car park by the cafe at the Melton Country Park at midday for a chatty run.
Sunday race – Stilton 7
The race starts at 10:30am with parking at the PAM Saint Gobain works.  This year we don’t have usage of the road out of Be Event Hire, so please follow the public footpath – may be muddy – from the car park access road across behind the Stute into Asfordby Hill, following the orange line marked below and encourage people from other clubs to do the same.  The route will be marked with red & white tape.


Let’s go Striders!
<Route 5 long 7.8 miles.docx>
<Route 5 middle 5.8 miles.docx>
<Route 5 short 3.8 miles.docx>


Week commencing  25th March

Firstly, in the coming weeks, we’ll be doing our annual pruning of the mailing list to remove anyone that’s not been a member for a few years.  If you stop receiving them as a result of this but would like to stay in touch, please email and we’ll add you back on.
Hopefully many of you will have some time off over the next couple of weeks – for Easter school holidays or just the bank holidays.
For the orienteers amongst us, it’s a busy time with an annual festival called the JK (Jan Kjellström) taking part over the Easter weekend.  For once it’s happening locally – rather than in far flung places like Scotland or the Lake District – starting with sprints at Loughborough Uni on Good Friday, middle and long distance forest races at Cannock Chase on Saturday/Easter Sunday and relays at Stanton Moor (near Matlock) on the Monday.
Don’t forget the West End 8 goes live for entries tonight at 8pm.  This is another popular race. A few hills but a great 2nd half of the race with a long downhill/flat finish to the race.
Today’s Kibworth 6 race was a great start to the LRRL season with 23 Striders battling the hills but enjoying the sunshine – Andy M, James S, Josh D, Ian B, Rhiannon B, Mark T, Kurt W, George W, Joe F, Andy N, Mark P, Rob M, Wayne H, Nicola T, Mike W, Ian C, Vicki L, Andrew W, Michael C, Katy H, Kirsty B, Anne C and Suzie S all completing the race.
Draft results are now available at this link: https://lran.org.uk/lrrl-2024-race-1-kibworth-6
Here’s a message from the LRRL Chair, Simon Mayes:
“Firstly, I’m really sorry for all of those who witnessed the incident with the white van on the reservoir road on the approach to Gumley Hill, and extra sorry for those who were impacted by it, particularly the runners that were physically and verbally assaulted. The organisers are aware of the incident, the vehicle registration is known, and are deciding which action to take. If anyone else has anything else they wish to report on it please let me know.
Secondly, less serious than above, but there were far too many spectators and finished runners blocking the road on the finish. The road was still open and cars heading toward Kibworth were being forced to drive on the opposite lane, which led to some issues of runners finishing their race being forced onto the grass verge when cars coming the other way tried to squeeze past also. We can’t control drivers trying to squeeze themselves into too small spaces but we can control our own behaviours in not standing on and blocking an open road. Thank you to those runners who did move onto the grass verge when asked by myself, but far too many ignored me and continued to cause problems. There are several races this year with similar finishes and we can’t afford to risk incidents with live traffic. I absolutely love the culture of grouping to support your club mates coming in, but please be considerate as to where they are standing at the finish of races, especially somewhere like Kibworth which has a wide grass verge and path to spectate on.”
At parkruns this weekend were James S trying out his new super shoes at Rutland Water, Brian W at Rushmere (Bedfordshire), Matt W, Steve M and Katy H at Dishley (Loughborough), Mark P and Michelle D at Wollaton Hall (Nottingham), Martin H at Wallaceneuk (Scotland), Ian B celebrating both his 100th run and 100th volunteer with me at Doddington Hall (Lincoln), Joe F, Wayne H and Neil J (recovering well it seems from a hip replacement) at Watermead, Paul J at Belvoir Castle and Anthony I celebrating his 50th different event at Tamworth Castle.
Finally before we get into this week’s sessions, attached are links to all of the current Striders road routes using the Plotaroute website.  This may be most useful for those that would like to download .gpx files of the routes onto their watches to ensure they don’t get lost.  Some instructions on how to download the routes are included too and these are all now included on our website too.
Wednesday road routes
This week’s road route options start, as usual, from Melton Sports Village, meeting in the car park at 6:55pm (or inside the leisure centre reception if bad weather).  The routes are 4.2 miles / 6.2 miles / 8.1 miles – see attached and the links below.

Short:                  https://www.plotaroute.com/route/2558760

Medium:            https://www.plotaroute.com/route/2558765

Long:                  https://www.plotaroute.com/route/2558771

Friday lunchtime social run
Meet in the car park by the cafe at the Melton Country Park at midday for a chatty run.


Week commencing 11th March

A busy week coming up for Striders as marathon season hots up with many taking part in the Ashby 20 plus the Striders parkrun takeover this Saturday but first the Stilton 7 going live for entries tonight at 8pm.
Don’t forget we need lots of volunteers for the Stilton 7 but we also want as many as possible running.  So if you want to race, please consider helping as car park marshals beforehand, setting up the Stute the night before or helping deliver leaflets to residents a week or two in advance.  Contact John Martin if you can volunteer or if you have friends/family that would like to.
Yesterday at Sandringham Matt W, Carol S-M, Steve M and I took part in the midlands orienteering championships around the royal estate.  Also Katie H was selected to represent Leicestershire & Rutland at the inter counties XC race at Wollaton Hall.  Unfortunately injury ended her race but what a fantastic honour to be selected in the first place.
Today at the Burghley 7 were James S, Lewis H, Mark T, Wayne H, Rob M, Mike W, John M, Jane M, Alan B, Sandy B, Julia M, Chris G, Nikola D-R and Sharon M.  At the Nottingham Holme Run Mark P and Chris H ran the half marathon and Michelle D rang the 10K.  Then running even longer were Dan K at the Oundle 20 in 2:02(!) and Tom W completed the Barcelona Marathon in a very respectable 3:52 despite running more than half the race with a niggle.
Finally, there were a few Striders touring at parkruns this weekend with Anthony I at Lowestoft, Josh D and Katy H at Watermead, Kristy N & I at Sandringham and Brian W at Baysgarth (Humberside).
Wednesday road routes
This week’s road route options start, as usual, from Melton Sports Village, meeting in the car park at 6:55pm (or inside the leisure centre reception if bad weather).  The routes are 3.5 miles / 5.5 miles / 7.6 miles – see attached.
Thursday session
Paul J is leading a speed session, meet at MSV for a 7pm start
Friday lunchtime social run
Meet in the car park by the cafe at the Melton Country Park at midday for a chatty run.

Saturday Melton parkrun takeover/pacing event

All Striders are invited to attend the parkrun takeover – hopefully will be a sea of blue and white.  Will be a great opportunity to engage with Melton’s running community and encourage anyone that’s interested in running a bit more to consider joining us (and/or MRC).
<Route 1 short 3.5 miles.docx>
<Route 1 middle 5.5 miles.docx>
<Route 1 long 7.6 miles.docx>

Week commencing 4th March

Today saw the end of the Derby XC league, with the final race at Bosworth Battlefield, and now we move on to the LRRL races which are opening for entries.
At Bosworth today, Katie Houghton finished off her age group win for the series with the overall race win today – the coveted number 1 token! Absolutely superb running Katie throughout the series and especially today.
We had a great turnout and team spirit with a number of people turning up after battling illness, already running 15 training miles that morning (!) or rushing to get there from other events.  Also running for the ladies were Katy H, Jane M, Nikola D-R and Sandy B.  For the men, a whopping 14 of us, were Josh D, Ian B, Adam H, Luke K, James S, Mark T, me, Anthony I, Lee H-H, Steve M, Alan B, Chris G, John M and Chris G.  Thanks to everyone that has contributed to Team Striders over this series and helped us to avoid relegation, including Anne G for the cakes, Chris G and everyone who’s helped erect/dismantle/transport the tent and Suzie S/James S for bringing the hot drinks.
Ian Bickle has a few of the XC badges left, so if you ran 1 or more races this series and haven’t had a badge yet, please contact him (or we can pass on the message).
Other races this weekend included the Belvoir Challenge – which looked even muddier and more epic than ever.  In the 15 miler were Vanessa W and Alison W (possibly more but no one tagged themselves as Striders) and completing the 26 miler was Rich G and Gina B.  Hope the cakes were worth all that mud!
At parkruns this weekend Mark T and Joe F were at Abbey Park, George W, Kurt W, Rob M, Mike W & Sharon M were at the University of Northampton, Tom W was at Aston Hall (Birmingham) plus lots at Melton.
Don’t forget to show your club as Stilton Striders when entering a race, showing us as one of your clubs/groups in your parkrun profile and joining the Strava club to help me track and celebrate your running achievements.
LRRL races
The Bosworth Half Marathon (LRRL – 19th May) is already open and nearly 700 places remain – one of my favourite races although does have a few hills.  Entries at this link: https://www.evententry.co.uk/bosworth-half-marathon-2024
Tonight at 8pm, entries open for the Kibworth 6 (LRRL – 24th March) – a hilly race near Market Harborough – and is likely to sell out in a matter of minutes. So worth registering with Event Entry in advance to pre-populate your details, ready for the race to “go live”. Here’s the link for entries: https://www.evententry.co.uk/kibworth-6-2024
Then the following week our very own Stilton 7 (LRRL – 14th April) goes live at 8pm – similarly worth registering in advance, this time with Entry Central: https://www.entrycentral.com/stilton72024

Volunteers needed for the Stilton 7

As mentioned above, the Stilton 7 road race is taking place on 14th April 2024. This is the second race in the LRRL series and popular with all the clubs taking part, it is a great showcase for our club and Melton Mowbray.
John Martin is now collating a list of volunteers for various roles to ensure the smooth running of this event, both on race day and the evening before to set out the Stute. Previously people have assisted with car parking prior to the race and then raced themselves.

Please could you email him at johnmartin275@icloud.com if you are able to help on either or both days. Volunteers are not restricted to club members, family and friends are more than welcome.

Let’s make this event as successful as previous years!

parkrun takeover – Saturday 16th March
Thank you to everyone who has already volunteered to marshal, timekeep, barcode scan, etc for the parkrun takeover.  We can now accept pacers for times ranging between 22 mins and 34 mins – please contact Mark Tyler with your preferred range of times.  Should anyone wish to be official photographer that day, they would also be very welcome.
Wednesday road routes
This week’s road route options start, as usual, from Melton Sports Village, meeting in the car park at 6:55pm (or inside the leisure centre reception if bad weather).  The routes are 4.1 miles / 6.1 miles / 8.1 miles – see attached.
Friday lunchtime social run
Meet in the car park by the cafe at the Melton Country Park at midday for a chatty run.
Kind regards
<Route 6 long 8.1 miles.docx>
<Route 6 middle 6.1 miles.docx>
<Route 6 short 4.1 miles.docx>

Week commencing 26th February 

There must be lots of tired legs today with plenty of 20 mile training runs, half marathon races and the like going on.  Hoping for a swift recovery for those with injuries/niggles so that they can get back on it soon.
Today at the Leicestershire Half Marathon at Prestwold Hall, quite a few Striders were running or volunteering – Rich P, Niall R, Tom W, Chloe J, Wayne H, Emma G, Lewis H, Sarah L, Will W (first ever race!) and Suzie S all running plus Rob M, Mike W and Kurt W volunteering.  In London, Sue L ran a 10K (not sure what the event was) and orienteering today at the East Mids championships near Lincoln were Steve M, Carol S-M and myself.
At parkruns this weekend were Mark P and Michelle D at Colwick (Nottingham), Anthony I at Markeaton (Derby), Brian W at Houghton Hall (Bedfordshire), Katy H at Rushcliffe (Nottingham), Mark T, Wayne H, Rich P and Izzy C at Rutland Water, Paul J at Worthing (Sussex), Nicola T at Alvaston (Derby), Ian B and I at Beacon Hill (nr Loughborough), Tom W and Leigh P (plus guide dog Geoff!) at Abbey Park.
The results for the Derby XC series for individuals have been released – please see attached.
Superb running everyone but especially to these Striders with top 10 category results:
  • Katie Houghton – 1st VL45 !!!!!
  • Vicki Lowe – 3rd VL50
  • Mark Tyler – 8th VM55
  • Luke Knowles – 9th VM45
One more chance to race XC – this time wholly to support Team Striders and help us avoid relegation – see more details below.
Melton parkrun takeover – Saturday 16th March

It’s that time again – another opportunity for Striders to support our local parkrun and give Rich/Liz a week off from having to organise the volunteer roster.  We’re looking to sort the main volunteer roles out first and – once these are filled – then offer a range of pacers too.

Thank you to those who have already volunteered. Currently with Striders plus some regular Melton volunteers too, we only need 3 more marshals to be able to go ahead!  Partners/parents/grandparents also welcome to help out – the more the merrier.
To fill out every possible spot, we could also welcome 2 further marshals, a parkwalker and another tail walker plus a photographer and possibly VI guides if Chris or Leigh would like to run.
Please respond to this email if you’re available or message me. I’m happy to explain what each of these roles entails.
Wednesday road routes
This week’s road route options start, as usual, from Melton Sports Village, meeting in the car park at 6:55pm (or inside the leisure centre reception if bad weather).  The routes are 3.8 miles / 5.8 miles / 7.8 miles – see attached.
Friday lunchtime social run
Meet in the car park by the cafe at the Melton Country Park at midday for a chatty run.
Sunday XC race – Bosworth Battlefield – Sunday 3rd March
It’s the final race of the series to determine finishing positions for all of the clubs in the Derby Runner XC league.  We need as many runners as we can to avoid relegation – so whether it’s your first race of the season or done them all so far, you would be very welcome. It’s also possibly the last time we get to enjoy Anne Genes’ lovely baked goods…
£7 per entrant, no need to pre-enter, just turn up!
Please meet in the Wilton Road car park (opposite Wetherspoons) at 9am to car share (minimum 3 per car per the instructions).
I’ll be leaving from junior parkrun about 9:40am if anyone else would like to join me.

Week commencing 19th February 

Thanks to Chris for writing last week’s email while I was on holiday and to those who ran today to make full teams for the XC when they would have preferred not to be running.  Hopefully will have boosted our position and give us a better standing ahead of the final race in a couple of weeks’ time.  Final points for individual age groups in the Derby Runner XC league were decided today and I believe awards will be made at the Bosworth race – I’m sure some of our runners are contenders.  But well done to everyone who has taken part this season, whether for one race or all of them, at the front or the back of the field. Just one more race to go – keep on pushing!
At Grace Dieu XC today we had Katie H (4th!), Vicki L, Katy H, Suzie S, Anne C and Nikola D-R running for the ladies and Dan K (9th), Ian B, Josh D, Luke K, James S, Mark T, me, Chris B and Chris G for the men.  Great news that this race was able to return after a break for a few years.
Doesn’t look like anyone was road racing – no one at the Naseby 1645 this year? Orienteering were Matt & Karen W, Steve M and Carol S-M at a team qualification event at a location with an interesting name – Chetwynd Coppice and Brereton Spurs – somewhere in the West Midlands.
Touring at parkruns yesterday were Kurt & George W, Rob & Sharon M and Mike W at Markeaton (Derby), Katy H at Rutland Water, Mark P at Leicester Victoria, Brian W at Millhouses (Sheffield), Mark T at Abbey Park and Anthony I at Watermead.
Wednesday road routes
This week’s road route options start, as usual, from Melton Sports Village, meeting in the car park at 6:55pm (or inside the leisure centre reception if bad weather).  The routes are 3.9 miles / 5.7 miles / 7.7 miles – see attached.
Thursday session
Paul J is leading a “meet and retreat” speed session around Oxford Drive, meeting at MSV for a 7pm start.
Suitable for all and these are really useful sessions.
Friday lunchtime social run
Meet in the car park by the cafe at the Melton Country Park at midday for a chatty run.

Week commencing 29th January

There are a few members running the epic Charnwood Hills race next Sunday. Good luck going up to Old John, Broombriggs and Beacon Hill plus the hill after the golf course on the way back too.  It’s called the hills race for a reason!
Again it looks like lots of you are knuckling down to marathon or half marathon training in earnest now.  You’ll feel the benefit on race day, so keep up the good work.
No races that I can see but orienteering today in Sherwood Forest (no sign of Robin Hood or Maid Marion) were Steve & Carol, Matt & Karen and myself.
At parkruns this weekend loads and loads of us were at home in Melton (Rich P 1st finisher and Nicola T 1st lady) but elsewhere Theresa C was at Colwick (Nottingham), Kurt & George W, Rob & Sharon M were at Shipley Country Park (Derbyshire), Dan K (1st finisher) and Mark T at Rushcliffe (Nottingham), Brian W at Edgbaston Reservoir (Birmingham), Joe F and Mark P at Watermead, Vanessa W at Sandringham (Norfolk), Chris G at Belvoir Castle and Marie K at Abbey Park.
If I’ve not picked you up in this list, please add “Stilton Striders” as your club (or one of your clubs) in your parkrun profile.
Wednesday road routes
This week’s road route options start, as usual, from Melton Sports Village, meeting in the car park at 6:55pm (or inside the leisure centre reception if bad weather).  The routes are 3.5 miles / 5.5 miles / 7.6 miles – see attached.
Friday lunchtime social run
Meet in the car park by the cafe at the Melton Country Park at midday for a chatty run.
Saturday orienteering event
Just a reminder for those that might be interested, come along to Abbey Park (do the parkrun there first?) and have a go at a different form of running. Entry in advance at this website Event Details – Leicestershire Orienteering Club and I’m happy to answer any questions you may have.


Week commencing 15th JanuA

Hope you all enjoyed the presentation evening and quiz last night.  More details of the awards presented will be on the club’s website soon.
I’m sure those of us that ran (+ swam!) the XC race at Martinshaw today are all feeling tired but much warmer now.
We had full teams with the organisers trying a new format – the ladies starting their race 20 mins before the men (Katie H, Suzie S, Sandy B and Nikola D-R for the ladies and Dan K, Luke K, me, Mark T, Lee H-H, Steve M, Alan B, Chris G and Chris B for the men).  How did you think it worked?
Not many other races going on but plenty of miles put in for marathon training.  Keep up the good work.
With Melton’s 9th birthday parkrun there were a lot of Striders at “home”.  Elsewhere Brian W was at Endcliffe (Sheffield), Helen P at Rutland Water, Ian B and I at Abbey Park, Wayne H and Neil J at Baysgarth Park (Humberside) and Izzy C at Riverside Walk (Powys).
Wednesday – 2 options
Headtorch XC run
Katie and John H are again leading a headtorch run option this Wednesday, meeting at the Grange Garden Centre for a 7pm start.  If you’ve never tried running XC in the dark or just fancy something a bit different, please join them – the last one they did was great.
There the possibility of borrowing a headtorch if needed – please contact Katie or John well in advance if so.
MSV road routes
This week’s road route options start, as usual, from Melton Sports Village, meeting in the car park at 6:55pm (or inside the leisure centre reception if bad weather).  The routes are 3.8 miles / 5.8 miles / 7.8 miles – see attached.
Friday lunchtime social run
Meet in the car park by the cafe at the Melton Country Park at midday for a chatty run.
<Route 5 short 3.8 miles.docx>
<Route 5 middle 5.8 miles.docx>
<Route 5 long 7.8 miles.docx>

Week commencing 8th January

First a reminder for anyone on the mailing list that has shown an interest in joining or rejoining Striders – please come along for up to 3 sessions free to try us out.  Just make sure we have your emergency contact name/number first – please email back with that if not already done so or if it’s changed recently.
With all the flooding, there were lots of parkruns cancelled this weekend but it didn’t stop everything.  Saturday was the Leicestershire & Rutland XC championships at a very muddy Rotherby Lodge Farm.  Taking part were juniors Myles and Max (under 11), Joshua (U13), Megan (U15) along with Izzy C for the ladies and Rich P, Ian B, Luke K and myself for the men.  Rich P may well have qualified to represent Leicestershire & Rutland at the next level – we await confirmation – well run Rich.
Also racing at the Battersea Park half marathon was Paul J – running 9 laps of the park well but struggling to count the right number of laps!  Also orienteering today at Bagworth Heath were Matt & Karen W, Steve M and Carol S-M and myself, enjoying slightly less sloppy conditions than when the XC race was there.
With Melton parkrun cancelled, there was the perfect opportunity to travel to other parkruns.  Chris G and Nikola D-R travelled to Conkers, Kurt W, Rob & Sharon M, Mike W and Theresa C ran at Rutland Water for Theresa’s 50th, Neil J was at Alvaston (Derby), Dan K, Mark T, Nicola T, Anthony I and Katy H were at Belvoir Castle, Joe F was at Abbey Park and Brian W was at Sence Valley.
Wednesday routes
This week’s routes start, as usual, from Melton Sports Village, meeting in the car park at 6:55pm (or inside the leisure centre reception if bad weather).  The routes are 3.9 miles / 5.7 miles / 7.7 miles – see attached.
Thursday session
Paul J is leading what he describes as a “Mark Tyler hill session”!  Mark’s infamous West Ave repeated long hill circuits have gone down in legend – fancy putting yourself through this but with the support of others to help it hurt less? Suitable for all but helps to have at least one screw loose!
Meet at the junction of West Ave and Asfordby Road for a 7pm start.
Friday social run
Meet in the car park by the cafe at the Melton Country Park at midday for a chatty run – trail shoes may be necessary if conditions continue to be muddy.
Sunday – Martinshaw XC (Derby Runner)
Information on this is attached – please read it carefully.  Of particular note this year is that the ladies race will start at 10:50am and 20 mins later the men will start.  This should help congestion at the narrow entrance to the woods (after the grass, then the muddy field).
Car sharing is important again – please meet at 9am at Wilton Road car park (opposite Wetherspoons) to ensure at least 3 people per car.  I’ll be leaving slightly later (9:30am) from junior parkrun, if anyone would care to join me and fill up my car appropriately.
Bring your £6 entry fee and a mug for a hot drink afterwards.  Let’s get full teams and more – go Striders!
Week commencing 1st January 2024
If you’re confused, like me, it’s actually Sunday today so time for the weekly email.
Today, Sarah L and Rebecca F took part in the Huncote Hash – a hilly, muddy race which ends with a wade through a cold stream (brr).  Looking at a few photos, it seems to have been the wettest ever event and involved crossing a whole submerged field this time!
Earlier this week, Steve M, Carol S-M, Matt and Karen W and I orienteered at Beacon Hill.
It’s been a busy time for parkruns, despite many of them being cancelled due to flooding, with the extra runs on Xmas day and New Years Day on top of the usual Saturday events. Some Striders achieved their “gold obsessive” award for running 50 parkruns in a year – an impressive feat!
Yesterday Katy H ran at Rushcliffe, Lee H-H at Alderford Lake (Shropshire), Wayne H & Neil J at Tamworth Castle.
Last Saturday Rich P and Izzy C were at Sewerby (Yorkshire), Anthony I & Katy H at Clumber Park, Ian & Ann C at Belvoir Castle, Joe F at Abbey Park, Brian W at Tamworth Castle and Wayne H took on the “curly wurly” at Thames Park.
No easy way for me to see where everyone was running on Xmas day but it felt like everyone was at “home” at Melton Mowbray – great to see so many there.
Leics & Rutland XC champs – Saturday 6th Jan
The closing date is 10pm on 3rd January.
This will be a great warm-up opportunity before the Derby Runner events start up again on Sunday 14th January at Martinshaw Woods (more details on that race to follow next week).  And for those who don’t like travelling far or committing to a whole race series, this is very close to Melton and a one-off!
I believe we currently have just 3 men, 2 women and 2 juniors entered.  Can we get 1 more woman to make a full team and 2 men (ideally both 40+) to complete the men’s team?
Wednesday routes
Our first run of 2024 starts from Melton Sports Village, meeting in the car park at 6:55pm (or inside the leisure centre reception if bad weather).  The routes are 4.2 miles / 6.2 miles / 8.1 miles – see attached.
Friday social run
Meet in the car park by the cafe at the Melton Country Park at midday for a chatty run – trail shoes may be necessary if conditions are like yesterday – lots of puddles and a fair bit of mud.
Week commencing 18th December 
This is our last week of sessions as we have our traditional Xmas break, starting back in the New Year on Weds 3rd Jan.
Now that the Melton Christmas tree festival has finished, please collect your race numbers from Michael at Melton Sports if you’d like them back.
The headtorch taster event last Wednesday was well received by all who came along so Katie and John are keen to hold another one probably in mid-January.  Watch this space for more details.  There’s something about running at night in the countryside that makes it feel like a big adventure but being in a group and close to home it also feels safe – the best of both worlds.
Then on Friday, after Michael’s Xmas lights run, the club’s London Marathon place draw was done and Emily Howett was the winner.  All the best with your training over the next few months.
The big local race this weekend was the Gaddesby Gallop – just over 5 miles of glorious mud with a few ponds and streams to wade through for good measure. Taking part – all in santa hats and some with other festive gear too – were Anthony I, me, Katie H, Lee and Melissa H-H, Sandra B, Nikola D-R and Chris G plus Zoe W was marshaling and cheering us on.
Elsewhere, today Matt & Karen W, Carol S-M and I took part in an orienteering event near Mansfield – slightly less muddy and all managed to keep dry.
Striders were out and about at parkruns too with Duncan G at Bournemouth, Dan K at Rutland Water (1st finisher – Rich P was 1st finisher at Melton too – are they avoiding each other?!), Wayne H at Victoria Dock (London) and Joe F with a PB at Abbey Park.
Leic & Rutland XC championships – Saturday 6th January
Entries are now open – lets get lots of Striders there to run and to cheer each other on.

LRAA – 97th Cross Country Championships 2024 – Saturday 06 January 2024 …

All races are held under UKA/ECCA Rules – Licence No.

Striders presentation evening and quiz – Saturday 13th January
Don’t forget to email in to reserve your tickets plus pay for them via online banking to our usual bank details – see previous emails for ticket prices for adults/children.
Wednesday routes
Routes are 3.7 miles / 5.8 miles / 7.8 miles – see attached. Meet at Melton Sports Village car park at 6:55pm for a 7pm start (or inside the leisure centre reception if bad weather).
Thursday session
For one last performance boost this year, come along for a hills session that John M is leading around the Hunt Drive loop.  Meet at Firwood Drive for a 7pm start.  Suitable for all levels.
Friday lunchtime social run
Back on again this week, for those that are around, come for a chatty social run from the Melton Country Park cafe meeting at midday.
And if you’re not able to join us this week, the Committee would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope Santa brings you new running gear/shoes!

Week commencing 11th December 

Lots of events cancelled due to the poor weather but at least mud and rain is better for running than ice.  I had fun today running at the Melton Santa Fun Run with Steve W, James S, Carol S-M, Steve M on the 3 mile route plus juniors Max & Josh smashing it on the 1 mile route (plus Suzie S too) – no doubt others there too, but everyone looked the same!  Also today Lee H-H smashed his PB at the Telford 10K.
Yesterday Niall R, Katy H and Anthony I (dressed as a turkey!) ran the Keyworth Turkey Trot half marathon.  Further afield, Paul J completed the Battersea 10K.
Touring parkruns carried on for a few despite the atrocious conditions with Ian B and I travelling to Brierley Forest (Notts), Dan K at Rushcliffe (Nottingham) and Brian W and Neil J at Sutton Park (West Mids).  I’m looking forward to some extra Christmas parkruns with runs at Melton taking place on Sat 23rd, Mon 25th and Sat 30th Dec and Mon 1st Jan.
If you’re around, why not consider volunteering on one of those dates?
This week we’ve got a few special options for you and then it’s the Gaddesby Gallop on Saturday – another great local event.
Wednesday runs – 2 options this week
Off-road headtorch run – from the Grange Garden Centre
Katie and John are leading a headtorch off-road run which will follow the 3 Club Challenge route and be around 4 miles.
Everyone will run together as a group at a steady pace so it’s a perfect taster if you’ve never done a headtorch run before.  And you feel epic afterwards!
Some spare headtorches may be available – please email back asap to confirm if you’re interested in this and don’t have your own headtorch.
Road routes – from MSV
The usual 3 road routes will also be available. As numbers are likely to be lower, split between the 2 locations, please run with others wherever possible.  Routes are 3.5 miles / 5.5 miles / 7.6 miles – see attached. Meet at Melton Sports Village car park at 6:55pm for a 7pm start (or inside the leisure centre reception if bad weather).
Friday Xmas lights run
There will be no Friday lunchtime run this week as we have the Xmas lights run in the evening instead.
This will take place from Melton Sports (King Street) at 6:30pm being a chatty run of about 4 miles.  The run will take in the best light displays around the south of the town and we hope to bump into Trumpton on the way. Following the run there will be “rehydration” in Charlie’s Bar (next to the shop) and the draw for the club’s London marathon place too.  If you can’t make the run, please do call in for a drink from 7:45pm as they do serve lovely Round Corner Brewery beers.
Alongside this, Michael is helping to collect goodies for Melton Wellbeing Hub’s Xmas hampers for those in need.  Please bring along a donation if you can – mince pies, Xmas pudding, Xmas cake, yule log, crackers for cheese, stuffing, gravy mix, cranberry sauce, biscuits and crisps.

Week commencing 4th December

Anyone doing a festive race coming up – either for the chance to win a turkey or dressed up as santa?
The cold weather looks to be continuing this week, so wrap up warm, take it steady and watch on Facebook for possibly session cancellations.
With Melton parkrun cancelled yesterday, a few Striders hot-footed it elsewhere or had already made alternative plans.  At Rushcliffe were Kurt W, George W, Rob M, Mike W and Sharon M, at Sherwood Pines was Vanessa W, at Rutland Water were Mark S and Helen P, at Leicester Victoria was Lee H-H at Belvoir Castle (as well as the Duchess) were Duncan G, Ian B, Neil J and Brian W and at Quakers Walk (Wiltshire) was Wayne H.
In other news, this week saw the Let’s Get Moving Melton awards evening take place with our very own Mike W winning the “Let’s Get Moving Hero” award for his work with Melton Running Club, and the Striders vet ladies team nominated for “Team of the Year” and junior Max P nominated for “Junior Sportsperson of the Year”.  Well done to all winners and nominees.
London marathon place
If you are interested in the club’s place for the London Marathon next April, please email in to apply for this by Wednesday 13th December.
As a reminder, to be eligible for the draw the criteria are:
  • be a member for 2 years
  • ran at least 2 club races in 2023 (LRRL or Derby XC)
  • provide proof of rejection from London ballot
The draw will take place in Charlie’s Bar after the Xmas lights run on Friday 15th December, around 8pm.
Wednesday routes
This week’s routes are 4.1 miles / 6.1 miles / 8.1 miles – see routes attached.
Please meet at Melton Sports Village in the car park, or inside the leisure centre if bad weather, at 6:55pm ready for a 7pm start.
Thursday session
John is leading a fartlek (means “speed play”) session from Melton Sports Village, meeting for a 7pm start.
Suitable for all levels and great for helping you become more than a one speed runner.
Friday lunchtime social run
Come along to the Melton Country Park for a chatty run with like-minded souls.  Meet in the car park for a midday start.

Week commencing 20th November 

Today the Derby XC races returned at Bagworth Heath – the muddiest there I can remember – with a decent turnout allowing us to record full teams for both men and women.  Katie H-H, Vicki L, Katie H, Suzie S, Sandra B and Nikola D-R ran for the ladies and Rich P, Luke K, Anthony I, Kurt W, me, Mark T, Wayne H, Alan B and Michael C ran for the men with both of our first finishers in 8th place but fantastic running from everyone.  Indeed just making the start line can be a real challenge. The next one in the series is this coming Sunday – so come along and join in the (muddy) fun!
Elsewhere, Mark P recorded a PB at the Derby 10 mile race.
In parkrun world, Katy H was at Rushcliffe, Harvey H was at Temple Newsam (Leeds), Rob and Sharon M at Blickling (Norfolk), Chris G at Holkham (also Norfolk), Rich G at Haga (Sweden!), Dan K, Kurt W and George W at Belvoir Castle, Brian W at Aston Hall (Birmingham) plus the purple parkrun at Melton which was very well supported as ever.
However, the weekend started on Friday night with the LRRL presentation evening at Hinckley rugby club which turned out to be a pretty good venue.  The evening was a lovely celebration of all of the winners – individuals and teams – with some special awards too.
Winners/top 3 places (sorry can’t quite remember exact details of who won what) for us this year in probably our most successful season for many years were Katie H-H, Nicola T, Chrissy H and David H plus the senior ladies winning their division and the vet ladies overall winners of division 1!
Xmas tree festival
This year at the St.Mary’s Xmas tree festival, we have a theme of “race numbers” to decorate the tree with.  Please can members bring in any race numbers they are willing to loan (put your name on the back and we’ll return them) to Michael at Melton Sports by midday on Wednesday 29th November.  Everyone who provides a number will go into a draw to win the 6ft tree kindly donated by John at the Grange Garden Centre.
Wednesday routes
This week’s routes are 3.9 miles / 5.7 miles / 7.7 miles – see routes attached.
Please meet at Melton Sports Village in the car park, or inside the leisure centre if bad weather, at 6:55pm ready for a 7pm start.
Thursday session
John M’s running a fartlek session on Oxford Drive/Norfolk Drive to get you used to changes in pace – fantastic for those of us who seem to be one speed runners.  Please meet at MSV for 7pm – suitable for all.
Friday lunchtime social run
Come along to the Melton Country Park for a chatty run with like-minded souls.  Meet in the car park for a midday start.
Saturday Melton parkrun takeover
We have all of the pacing roles sorted now – thank you – but still need many other volunteers for the event to go ahead.
Please message me for more info if you can help.
Assuming we can get enough volunteers, we’ll welcome as many Striders and junior Striders as possible to take part running or walking in club kit.
Sunday XC race – Holly Hayes
Details from the organisers are at http://www.derbyrunnerxc.co.uk. Please meet at the Wilton Road car park (opposite Wetherspoons) for 9am to car share to Coalville (main car park at The Castle Rock School, Meadow Ln, Coalville LE67 4BR) for a 11am start (adult race).  £6 to enter on the day.  It’s a 15 minute walk from the car park, so if bringing the tent or drinks, worth dropping them off (plus your passengers) at the race location before driving back to the car park. 
Hopefully lots of Striders will be available again to make up full teams and cheer each other on in slightly less mud than this week!
Due to the narrow start, there are separate starts for men (11:00am) and women (11:04am).  Please make way (guys) for the faster women as they pick their way through the men.

Week commencing 6th November 

Well it’s 2 weeks until the next XC race and I can’t see much that has happened this weekend (it must be a bit slow for me to be in the top 3 in our Strava group for distance and running time!) although looks like Dan’s had a solid week’s training with 76 miles, 9 and a half hours and nearly 3,000 feet of climb – keep up the good work Dan.
So a good time to remind everyone of a couple of ways to share with the rest of the club what you’ve been up to:
– we have a Strava club “Stilton Striders” – click on this within “clubs” and one of the admins will let you join
– there’s also a parkrun club – go to your profile (via the link in your weekly results email), then groups and select up to 5 clubs to join.
A couple of races that did happen this weekend were the Movember 10K for Mark T, the Shepshed 7 with John R, Ian C, Lee & Melissa H-H, Vanessa W, Alison W & David H entered – can’t see results yet though – and Carol S-M, Steve M and myself were urban orienteering in Southwell.
In terms of parkruns, Katy H was at Colwick (Nottingham), Wayne H at Oakwell Hall (nr Leeds), Kurt W, George W, Mike W were at Sherwood Pines, Joe F and Rachel H at Leicester Victoria, Anthony I at Blackpool and Chris G at Yarborough (Lincoln).
And next Saturday the Seagrave Wolds Challenge is taking place – good luck to anyone that’s entered – it’s a great event.
Please can all main trophy winners from the awards evening early this year return the trophies to Chris G before the end of November.
The individual club standards you received are yours to keep though.
parkrun pacing event – 25th November
As some of you may seen, Striders are running another pacing event on Saturday 25th November at Melton Mowbray parkrun.
If you’d like to be a pacer – trying to evenly run one of these times: 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 34 mins – then please contact Mark Tyler with your preferred range of times
We also need to provide a number of other volunteers. If you want to run or walk that day, then tail walkers, parkwalkers, event day course checker, VI guides (to guide Leigh or Chris if they fancy running that day) or barcode scanner (for 1 runner 24 mins or quicker) are great options.
We also need lots of non-running volunteers – at last 5 marshals, 1 timekeeper, 1 finish tokens person, 1 funnel manager, 1 more barcode scanner and a photographer would be great too – all to support your Run Director on the day, Anne Craddock.
Please let me know if you can help with any of these roles or if you’d like more info.
Wednesday routes
This week’s routes are 3.7 miles / 5.8 miles / 7.8 miles – see routes attached.
Please meet at Melton Sports Village in the car park, or inside the leisure centre if bad weather, at 6:55pm ready for a 7pm start.
Thursday session
Paul J is leading a hills session at Hunt Drive.  Please meet at the (first) junction of Carnegie Crescent and Melton Spinney Road at 7pm.
Great to give your fitness and speed on hills a boost before the next XC race.
Friday lunchtime social run
Come along to the Melton Country Park for a chatty run with like-minded souls.  Meet in the car park for a midday start.

Week commencing 30th October 

Striders racing this weekend (that I’m aware of) included Matt W and I orienteering around the beautiful colleges of Cambridge, Greeba H and Kathy W completed the Worksop Halloween half marathon and more orienteering for Steve M, Carol S-M and I at Donisthorpe, nr Ashby-de-la-Zouch today.
On the parkrun front, Chris G and Nikola D-R ran at Markeaton (Derby), Dunc G at Pymmes (London), I was at Huntingdon, Joe F at Beeston (Nottingham), Sarah L at Pendle (Lancs), Kurt W, George W, Rob M, Mike W and Sharon M at Pocket parkrun (St.Neots), Rachel H at Belvoir Castle and Mark P at Abbey Park.
Club and county standards
Quite a few people have already responded – thank you and well done – but if you have a club or county standard you’ve achieved in the appropriate time period (1st Dec 2022 to 30th Nov 2023 for Club and 1st Jan 2023 to 31st Dec 2023 for County), please send through details of the races/parkruns so that I can validate them by 30th November if possible.  We can then order the small trophies/certificates in good time for the presentation evening (more details on that to follow). It’s possible, of course, to do a race after 30th Nov that counts for your County standard but may mean it’s not ready to be presented that evening.
LRRL presentation evening
Anyone else wanting tickets for the LRRL presentation evening to cheer on our triumphant vet ladies and other teams/individuals too, please contact Chris Genes asap.  Cost £14 (incl. buffet).  Takes place on Friday 17th Nov in Hinckley.
Wednesday routes
This week’s routes are 3.5 miles / 5.5 miles / 7.6 miles – see routes attached.
Please meet at Melton Sports Village in the car park, or inside the leisure centre if bad weather, at 6:55pm ready for a 7pm start.
Friday lunchtime social run
Come along to the Melton Country Park for a chatty run with like-minded souls.  Meet in the car park for a midday start.

Week commencing 23rd October 

Good afternoon all – hope that you that have children at school enjoyed last weeks half term, albeit a wet one in the UK.
Storm Babet had an impact on parkruns this weekend with many being cancelled due to flooding – including our local one in Melton. This did not deter our regular parkrun tourists who managed to get their usual Saturday morning fix. Ant I and Mark T went to Belvior, Nikola D-R, (Syd) and I were at Forest Rec, Mark P and Suzie S went to Rutland Water where she let her son Max run with Mark as he’s getting so much quicker now. Abbey Park saw Emily H, Dan K, Chris P and Joe F turn up with Dan’s time (16:51) placing him in third position on our club leaderboard. Great to see two of our current active members , Dan and Richard P so close to each other with their parkrun times.  Kurt and George W with Rob M ventured to Lincoln. Travelling a little further was Dan O’G at Cleethorpes but this week Wayne H ran the further parkrun from home down at Walmer & Deal.
Sunday saw a number of members racing at the local Dalby Dollop – a 5k cross country route starting and finishing at Moscow Farm on a beautiful sunny Sunday morning. Taking part were Ant I, Lee H-H, Alan and Sandie B, Chris G, Nikola D-R (with Syd ), Helen P and her dog (sorry I forgot the name), Vanessa W, Sarah L,  along with Lucy and Izzy, plus Harland who also assisted on the pre-run warm up.
I little further afield the Leicestershire Running Festival took place at Prestwold Hall with Mark T (1:12:35) achieving county gold standard in the 10 mile race and just finished in front of Rob M (1:13:12 pb) in the same race – Rob gaining his four silver standard club time as well. Dan Mac (44:40) ran in the 10k event finishing fourth in his age category.  My apologies if I’ve missed out anyone else racing this weekend.
Our routes for this Wednesday are long (8.1 miles ), middle (6.1 miles) and short (4.1 miles). Meet outside on carpark at MSV ready to start at 7:00pm.  Remember to wear something reflective – Be Seen and Be Safe.
Thursday evening Paul Jacobs will be leading an Oxford Drive Interval Session. Meet at MSV again ready to leave at 7:00pm.
Friday we will meet again outside the cafe Melton Country Park for a social chatty run around the park starting at 12:00 noon.

Week commencing 16th October 

Firstly its your last opportunity to let Mark Preston know if you want to join him and others for another enjoyable Striders curry night. 6:15pm next Saturday 21st October. Please let Mark know so he can add you to the numbers for confirmation to Purple Garlic.
Another busy Saturday with members spreading their wings running at many parkruns across the country. Nikola D-R and I got to Sense Valley to find the course waterlogged so swung across to Bosworth Park, Ant I and Kate H were at Rutland Water, Rob M, Mike W and George W travelled to Kettering whilst their running buddy Kurt W ran Greenfields (Flint), Chris P and Joe F chose the flat Watermead run,  whilst Duncan G took on the formidable and challenging Woolacome Dunes, last but not least Lee H-H kept his run fairly local at Braunstone Park.
Earlier today Team Striders took on the first of the Derby Runner XC league races completing a multi terrain (grass, mud, hills, track, clay fields etc) 6.2 mile (10k) route in glorious sun shine. Unfortunately the mens team, due to holidays, injury recovery and other racing commitments were one short for a mens team, however the ladies had a full team , plus two. Lets get full team numbers out for the next race on November 18th – details will be out nearer the date. Richard P (5th), Anthony I (86th), Rob M, (124th), John H (139), Matt T (150th), Alan B (191th) and Chris G (209). Ladies: Vicki L (25th), Izzy C (26th), Suzanne S ( 83rd ), Melissa H-H ( 114th ), Nikola D-R ( 121st ) and Sandie B (122nd ).
Other member were also out racing this weekend with Mark Stoneley competing his first road marathon in York (3:14). Mark T, Adam H and James S ran the Great Eastern Half around Peterborough, whilst closer to home Seb W, Michael C, Andrew W,  Vanessa W and Alison W ran the Stilton Stumble 10k from Colston Basset.  Apologies if I’ve missed anyone else running this weekend.
This Wednesday we are again meeting in the carpark at Melton Sports Village (unless its raining and we meet inside the sports centre). Please remember to wear something reflective – be seen be safe.  This weeks routes (attached below) are 3.8 miles / 5.8 miles / 7.8 miles.
Please check the routes before you turn up because this week neither Andy or I will be there to explain them and make sure you try to run in groups to see everyone gets back safely.
Thursday evening (7:00pm) John M will be leading a hills session – meet at the carpark at the top of Horseguards Way.
Finally – Friday if anyone fancies a chatty run for about 30-40 minuted meet up at MCP cafe carpark (parkrun carpark) ready to have a steady social run around the park starting at 12:00 noon.

Week commencing 9th October 

Just a quick plea from the Derby XC league first – would anyone be free to help as a timekeeper at Ravenstone this Sunday (15th Oct)? If so, please contact Gillian at gillxc@outlook.com .
Next, for those not on Facebook, if we can get some teams together for the English XC Relays on 4th November at Mansfield, the club will pay the entry fee. Teams of 4 men or 3 ladies required – closing date is this Friday 14th October.  Please respond asap if you’d like to take part.  More info at this link:
At parkruns this weekend we had Kurt W, Rob M, Mike W & Sharon M at Corby, Richard P (1st finisher), Wayne H and Izzy C at Rutland Water, Brian W at East Park (Wolverhampton), Dan K (1st finisher) at Wollaton Hall (Nottingham), Mark P at Watermead and Duncan G and Anthony I at Belvoir Castle.
LOADS of races this weekend – James S at the Cricklade 10K, Melissa and Lee H-H at the Shrewsbury half marathon (Melissa with a 4 minute PB), Rhiannon B finishing 1st lady in her first ever 50 mile race at the Gower Ultra, Luke K, Alison S, Kate H and Gina B at the Hoby Hop.
Then onto the marathons – Leigh P finished the Chester Marathon (with guide Toni B) in a time of 6:01 – well done both.
Then at the Chicago marathon on the day the men’s marathon world record was broken, the Strider ladies put in strong performances with Greeba H (3:39), Becky F (3:53) and Vicki L (3:56) – congratulations once again.
Wednesday routes
This week’s routes are 3.9 miles / 5.7 miles / 7.7 miles – see routes attached.
Please meet in the car park at Melton Sports Village, off Burton Road by 6:55pm for a quick recap of the routes before we set off.  Meet inside the sports centre if the weather is bad.
Friday lunchtime social run
If you fancy a couple more miles and a catch-up with a few Striders, please meet at the Melton Country Park car park/cafe at midday for a gentle run and chat.
Sunday XC race – Ravenstone
Would someone be able to help by looking after the flasks/tea/coffee for this event?  We need someone to pick them up from Chris
during the week then on Sunday morning, fill up the flasks with boiling water and bring them with you.
The details for this race – the first of the XC season – are attached. Please meet at the Wilton Road carpark (opposite Weatherspoons) in Melton to car share, leaving at 9am.  There will be 2 tents/gazebos (male and female) for changing and to store your bags and Mrs G will be baking her wonderful post run goodies.  Please bring the right cash (£7) for the race entry plus a mug for your post run drink.
We were promoted last year to Division One for our Mixed team, so your participation would be appreciated.
For those new to these races, this one is the most “sanitised”, I’d say, with a few stretches on decent paths, as well as a few hills and field edges to run along.  Although finish positions to make up the final results only count the first 8 men and 4 ladies (I think), everyone can have a positive impact on the results and there are age category results for the series too.  So – the more the merrier!

Week commencing 2nd October 

Is anyone doing the Hoby Hop next weekend? This is a local 5 mile XC race organised by a former Strider and is a decent warm-up for the cross country season – more details (still time to enter) at this link:
The big race I’m aware of next week is Leigh Pick’s Chester marathon, ably guided by Toni Briggs and fundraising for Guide Dogs. If you’ve ever met Leigh’s lovely guide dog Geoff and seen how he’s helped her keep/gain her independence, you’ll know what a worthwhile cause this is.  Good luck you two!

Leigh’s Chester Marathon page

Help Leigh Pick raise money to support Guide Dogs

Leigh’s Chester Marathon page

Help Leigh Pick raise money to support Guide Dogs

Looking back to this weekend, there were a number of Striders racing.
In Derbyshire, Anthony I and Sarah L ran the Dovedale Dash – an amazing race if you love great views and don’t mind a few hills.
Down in South Wales, a bunch of Striders ran the Cardiff half marathon and started off their SuperHalfs journey – which is a challenge to run 5 half marathons within 36 months (Lisbon, Prague, Copenhagen, Cardiff and Valencia) to earn a special medal.  Kurt W, Rob M (with a 9 minute PB!), George W and Vanessa W took part and will no doubt be happy to give you more info on this challenge if you talk to them.
Closer to home, in the Leicester half marathon there were quite a few Striders racing – Dan K (8th position overall and a PB), Emily H (also a PB – should be one tired but happy house tonight), James S, Nicola T (coming back well after covid), Joe F, Abi A and Chris P and in the 10K there was John H and Alison S representing Striders.
In parkrun-world, we had Ian C at Woodhouse Moor (Leeds), Kurt W, George W, Rob M and Sharon M at Riverfront (Newport), Chris G and Nikola D-R at Shipley, Rachel H at Ferry Meadows (Peterborough), Katy H at Mount Edgcumbe (Cornwall), Paul J, me and Kristy N at Belvoir Castle, Mark T at Abbey Park, Brian W at the University of Northampton and Anthony I at the new Sence Valley (near Ibstock).
I’m sure most of you know already, but if you weren’t aware, there is a free 2K junior parkrun every Sunday morning in Play Close Park, Melton Mowbray starting at 9am for children aged 4 to 14 years.  Spread the word to all your friends and family with children of the right age please.
Wednesday routes
This week’s routes are the longest ones in our repertoire – 4.2 miles / 6.2 miles / 8.1 miles – please see routes attached.
As ever, please meet in the car park at Melton Sports Village, off Burton Road by 6:55pm for a quick recap of the routes before we set off.  Meet inside the sports centre if the weather is bad.
Would anyone be able to run with Izzy & Lucy to act as a chaperone please this week?  Please email or message me if you can help.
Friday lunchtime social run
If you fancy a couple more miles and a catch-up with a few Striders, please meet at the Melton Country Park car park/cafe at midday for a gentle run and chat.

Week commencing 25th September 

Lots of racing this weekend starting with Greeba H smashing out another fast marathon, this time in Berlin.  Closer to home Melissa and Lee HH ran the Croft Canter, Melissa and Lee H-H (again!) ran the Wem 10K in Shrewsbury, Sarah L, Dan McK, Mark T, Katy H and Mark P ran the Robin Hood half marathon in Nottingham, Lewis H (not running much recently due to injury – so not seem him at Striders for a while) completed the East Leake end of season triathlon (did you beat your dad comfortably in the end?), Vicki L ran the Windsor half marathon and Steve M, Carol S-M and myself were orienteering at Irchester.
Apologies if I’ve missed anyone out – can’t find decent results pages that let you filter by club.
In terms of parkruns, Leigh P continued her trip to the southwest with a run at Torbay Velopark, Dan K and Emily H were at Rushcliffe, Kurt W and Rob M at Rutland Water, Mike W at Gloucester City, Brian W at Yarborough (Lincoln) and last but by no means least was our Chair Chris G who ran the famous “curly wurly” course at Somerdale Pavilion (Bristol) – here’s the Strava trace of the route – totally bonkers!
Inline image
Good luck with those running the Leicester 10K or half marathon next Sunday.
Wednesday routes
Meet in the car park at Melton Sports Village (off Burton Road) at 6:55pm for a quick recap on the routes and any other club announcements. The 3 routes are 3.7 miles / 5.8 miles / 7.8 miles – see attached.  If anyone would like to be tail runner for any of the routes, please let us know.
Thursday structured session
Paul J is leading a session described as a “meet and retreat pyramid session” this Thursday.  Want to know what that means?  Then come along and find out – suitable for all.  Please note a slightly later start time = 7:10pm
Meet in the car park at Melton Sports Village.
Friday social run
Anyone wishing to have a gentle chatty run around the Melton Country Park, please meet in the car park by the cafe at midday.  No group leader, just turn up and run with whoever else turns up.

Week commencing 18th September 

This weekend in parkrun world, James S ran at Rutland Water, Sharon M at Belvoir Castle (before running Equinox!), Paul J ran at Colwick (Nottingham), Dan K and Lee H-H at Rushcliffe (Nottingham), Chris G at Clumber Park (Notts), Theresa C at Lincoln, I was at Southwark (London), Brian W at Pegwell Bay (Kent), Wayne H at Wormwood Scrubs, Dunc G at the Eden Project and last but not least Leigh P (and guide dog Geoff) were at Land’s End (Cornwall).
Race wise, Gina B was 1st lady walker today (2nd walker overall) at the Charnwood Challenge 10 miler, getting back from a bad injury months ago and winning some jam and cakes as a prize, Helen P had a lovely day out at the Peak District Challenge 50K, Niall R is running a multi-day ultra (not sure how far or how many days but sure to be epic), I was orienteering in Rotherhithe and Brunel University (both London), Andy M completed Ironman Weymouth 70.3 and also down in London Emma G completed the London Classics in style, winning (first person – male or female!) the 6 mile Swim Serpentine after in previous years running the London Marathon and cycling the 100 miles Ride London.
And then we have Equinox 24…  This annual 24 hour race in the grounds of Belvoir Castle is something of a ritual for many Striders with Rich G running solo every year since it started, I believe.
Taking on the Day 10k was Suzie S and Sharon M, the Night 10K had Anthony I and Katy H running, juniors Max and Harlan ran the kids fun run and in teams were Vanessa W (running at least 4 laps herself) and Alison W and possibly others too but can’t work out who at this stage.  Ben H was part of a pair (with his brother) and they both ran 10 laps each, as did Rich G as a solo.  Great running everyone.
Finally, all the best of luck to Greeba H as she takes on the Berlin Marathon next weekend plus anyone running the Robin Hood half marathon too.
Before we get onto this week’s running options, you may have seen Mark P is organising another Striders curry social on 21st October – please contact him directly if you’re interested – last time was fantastic.
Wednesday routes
It’s back fully to our Wednesday road routes schedule from this week.  Please meet in the car park at Melton Sports Village (or inside if bad weather) at 6:55pm and we’ll give a quick recap of the routes before setting off at 7pm.
The 3 routes are 3.5 miles / 5.5 miles / 7.6 miles – see attached.
If people would prefer the “plotaroute” style links to follow, rather than these attachments, please feedback and I’ll create them for next time.
So for those new to the club, and a reminder for everyone else, you can choose whichever distance you fancy – they’re not speed-based – but we do encourage you to run with other people, not alone.  If anyone – or a couple of people together – is interested in tail running to make sure everyone gets back safely, that would be very helpful.
Also don’t forget to wear clothing that is high-vis with reflective elements and take care crossing the roads, especially when you’re running in a group.  Let’s look after each other and have fun too!
Friday social run
Ian B is injured (we wish him a quick and full recovery) but there are a number of people that dip in and out of the Friday lunchtime runs so there’s no real need for someone to lead the run.  So, if you’re free, come along for a midday start, meeting at the Melton Country Park cafe/car park and have a chatty run with other Striders.  I believe there’s a whatsapp group for regulars – talk to Ian, Mark, Wayne, Rach, etc if you’d like to be added to that group to find out who else is coming each week.

Week commencing 11th September 

Today the big event was the Great North Run – with Katy H, Mark P, Abi A, Kirsty B, Wayne H, Joe F, Rebecca F – plus a few others I believe – coping as best they could in the heat.  Well done to Wayne competing only a week after his successful Ironman.
There were other events happening today too – Andy M completed the olympic distance Vitruvian triathlon (with Lou H marshalling), Lewis H completed the sprint distance Daventry triathlon and in Melton, James S and Andrew W completed the Birchwood 10K with the junior Striders leading the fun run with all of the top 3 finish positions – and Matt & Karen W and I were orienteering at a stately home in Derbyshire.
Yesterday Striders visited parkruns around the country including Tony O at Lydiard (Swindon), Mark T at Sheffield Castle (did you enjoy the hills on all 3 laps?), Wayne H at Corby, Chris at Wyre Forest (Worcestershire), Dan K at Abbey Park, Brian W, Ian B and I at Holbrooks (Coventry) plus a whole host at Melton of course.
If you’ve not been mentioned, please add Striders as one of your “club” choices in your parkrun profile and we’ll be able to track where you’ve run.  Similarly, there’s the Strava club for Striders too which you’re all welcome to join.
More local half marathons coming up – with Robin Hood and Leicester both in the next month – so keep up that quality training.
Wednesday club run
This week we’re once again doing a hybrid route that is mostly on roads/paths but also takes in areas of the country park, including some bits that are away from the main paths.  Chris G and I will lead the 2 routes which are these ones:
Medium route Medium Route Option 2 on plotaroute.com  = 5.5 miles
We’ll run in 2 separate groups and stick in those groups for the whole run.  Probably no need for any headtorches (we didn’t need them last week) unless it’s bad weather.  Best to wear road shoes and no need for long socks/tights for this run – thankfully – given the heat at the moment.
Please meet in the car park at Melton Sports Village, off Burton Road, for a 7pm start.
Paul J is leading the first structured session of the autumn – a welcome return to these very useful sessions.
This one will be a hill session, also in the country park.  Please meet in the country park car park by the cafe for a 7pm start.
Friday lunchtime social run
“Lead bike Bickle” is back again to lead the social run this week, meeting at the Melton country park cafe/car park at midday.

Week commencing 4th September 

Lots and lots of racing this weekend – I bet there’s a few tired legs now and possibly sunburnt shoulders too!
Yesterday at the Man vs Mountain race, Anthony I ran an epic 23 miles from Caernarfon to the summit of Snowdon/Yr Wyddfa, then down to Llanberis and up and down the Dinorwig slate mine with a few surprise challenges along the way – can’t wait to hear more about this.  Also Rach W completed a triathlon in Saundersfoot, Wales.
On the parkrun front, Alison C ran at Flatts Lane (Middlesborough), Robert C at Belton House, Kurt W at Jersey Farm (St. Albans), Brian W at Hunstanton Promenade, Abi A at Belvoir Castle as well as loads at Melton of course.
This morning, Nikola D-R finished her first ever triathlon at Belvoir Castle – well done Nikola.  I was orienteering around the University of Nottingham’s lovely campus too.  Many, many Striders (32!) were at the Rotherby 8 to finish off the LRRL season with some impressive course PBs obtained by quite a few despite the warm conditions – well done team Striders!
But let’s give a big shout out to Wayne H who is midway through Ironman Wales – he’s put in a lot of training to get ready for this truly massive challenge.
Wednesday club run
The outrun season has now ended with the fading light.  However, for the next 2 weeks, we’re planning to have a hybrid run that is part road, part off-road to explore some local areas we can’t use for normal autumn/winter routes.  Let us know what you think of them please, as it may be something we try again in future.
Meet at Melton Sports Village in the car park by 6:55pm so we can split into groups and be ready to start at 7pm.
I’ll be leading the longer route (6.4 miles https://www.plotaroute.com/route/2359560 ) and John M will lead the medium route (5.5 miles https://www.plotaroute.com/route/2342097), running as 2 separate groups.  Road shoes are recommended, plus long socks due to a few overgrown patches, and a few headtorches in the group might be useful.
Friday lunchtime social run
Ian B will be “lead bike” this Friday, as still coming back from injury, but will lead the social run.
Meet in the Melton country park car park by the cafe for a midday start.
Sunday Birchwood 5K/10K race
No doubt a few Striders – and junior Striders for the 1K – will be attending this local race which has come back for a 2nd year in a slightly different guise.  See you there hopefully!

Week commencing 28th August 

Yesterday there were lots of Striders at the Holme Pierrepont triathlon relays – with Matt T, Wayne H, Emma G, Rachel W, Mark T, Jeremy S, Andy M, Sarah L and Duncan G all taking part (sorry if missed anyone out).  A special mention to Emma G who did 2 swims and Andy M who did 2 runs to make up for a missing team member!
A few races today too – Lee H-H completed the Ellesmere 10K and Rob M the Derby 10K.

Inline image

In parkrun-world yesterday, Chris G made his pilgrimage to Bushy, Kurt, George, Rob, Sharon were trying out new Brooks trainers in Coventry, Dan K had position 1 at Braunstone, Katy H was at Rushcliffe, Abi A at Rutland Water, Kristy N and I at Hunstanton Promenade, Brian W at Jesmond Dene, Ian and Anne C at Abbey Park and Neil J at Holbrooks (new one in Coventry).
Coming up there are lots of people racing, starting with a couple of epic races: Anthony I is taking on the Rat Race “Man vs Mountain” on Saturday – 23 miles from Caernafon Castle (at sea level) right to the top of Snowdon/Yr Wyddfa and back down the other side to Llanberis – then on Sunday, Wayne H is tackling Ironman Wales in Tenby, a 2.4 mile sea swim, followed by a 112 mile hilly bike ride and topped off with a 26.2 mile run (a full marathon!).
And, of course, the small matter of the Rotherby 8 – the final LRRL race of the season – with a whopping 33 Striders entered.  Good luck everyone!  If anyone could offer Phil Warrington a lift, he would greatly appreciate it.
Wednesday outrun
It’s the final outrun of the season, meeting at the Bell pub, 2 Main St, Frisby on the Wreake, Melton Mowbray LE14 2NJ for a 7pm start.
We have one route this time, which I’ll lead, but may split into 2 pace groups.
The route is 5 miles and includes a few nettle patches and half a mile of road – road shoes would be fine but long socks recommended.  There were a few horses along the route today but no other livestock.
Friday lunchtime social run
Ian B is back to lead the social run this Friday, although coming back from injury so tell him to slow down if he’s running fast!
Meet in the Melton Country Park car park by the cafe at midday.
Sunday Rotherby 8 race
The race starts at 10am.  Hopefully we’ll have the tent and flag there to use as a meeting point.  See this link for more info:

Rotherby 8 2023 – Sunday 03 September 2023 – Signup via EventEntry

The grand finale of the Leicestershire road race league sees the third running of the Rotherby 8 around the beau…

It’s a tough race – save something for the long hill out of Ashby Folville – but then enjoy the downhill to the finish.

Week commencing 21st August

Hope you’re not feeling too low after watching the Lionesses narrowly miss out on winning the World Cup this morning – they should be proud of their achievements nonetheless.
Great to see so many Striders yesterday at the Melton parkrun takeover with many trying new volunteer roles.  Liz and Rich are always keen to welcome new volunteers so if you would like to help in future weeks, please don’t be shy.  As ever, there are always a few missing from the group photos – sorry about that.
Inline image
Striders were also at other parkruns yesterday – Melissa H-H was at Gorleston Cliffs (Gt Yarmouth), Duncan G at Moors Valley (Dorset), Rob and Sharon M at Valentines (London), Ian B at Porthcawl (S.Wales), David H at Tamar Lakes (Devon/Cornwall border), Kurt and George W at Clifton (Nottingham), Liz G at Watermead, Brian W and Neil J at Wolford Wood (Cotswolds), Nicola T, Vicki L and Chrissy H at Abbey Park and Rob C, Anthony I and Rachel H at Rushcliffe (Nottingham) for their 500th event.
Plus a fair few volunteering or bringing their children along to junior parkrun this morning too – brilliant to see you all.
I didn’t notice any races on Strava this week, so please post your race reports on the internal Facebook page if you did any.
Before we get onto this week’s activities, just a plea for our final outrun on 30th August.  We currently don’t have any leaders for this date.  Hoping to sort routes from the pub in Frisby and I can lead one of them – would anyone else be prepared to lead a route – long or short?  Please let Chris know if so.
Tuesday track session
This is the last session of the summer, so come along to Longfield School and see what John’s got in store for us.  7pm start. Doesn’t matter if you’ve not been to any of the other sessions.
Wednesday outrun
The penultimate outrun of the season is being held in Whissendine, with the long route led by Andy H of just under 8 miles (mostly offroad) and the short route of approx. 5.5 miles (mostly harvested fields, so no long grass and lovely views) led by Julie A. 
Meet near Andy’s house (3 Walton Close, Whissendine, LE15 7EU) for a 7pm start.
Andy & his wife Yvonne are also kindly hosting us afterwards for a BBQ. There is a fair amount of parking space on their drive and on the rest of the Close. You’re welcome to bring your own drinks and there is a fridge available – drop them off before the run.  But there will be wine and beer available anyway.
To ensure there is the right amount of food provided, please confirm if you plan to come along by Tuesday 6pm along with any dietary requirements.  Suggested contribution of £5 per person with any excess to be given to a local good cause.
Friday lunchtime social run
Numbers are fairly low at the moment, due to holidays and the like, but if you fancy a chatty run around the Melton Country Park, meet in the car park at midday.
Saturday triathlon relays
There will be a number of Striders taking part in the triathlon relays at Holme Pierrepont, Nottingham.  Although there are some high level triathletes at this event, there are all levels taking part. It’s great for dipping your toe into triathlon without having to worry too much about transitions, with a nice flat, traffic-free course for the cycling and time for a decent rest between legs.  Go along and cheer the Striders on if you’re free.
Bank holiday Monday canal run
See on the Leicester Runners Facebook page for details of the annual Leicester to Loughborough canal run – a lovely 18 mile route along the river/canal with groups at different paces and opportunities to regroup along the way.   Either drive to Loughborough and get a train to Leicester before the run or drive to Leicester and then get a train from Loughborough after the run.

Week commencing 14th August

Well done to Emma G who smashed her olympic distance triathlon PB last weekend (1500m swim, 40K bike and 10K run) by 7 minutes and 3rd in her age group at the Challenge London Olympic Tri. Unfortunately broken now – hope you get back up and running soon.
Tuesday grass track session
Another session lead by John M at Longfield School, starting at 7pm on the top field – suitable for all.
Wednesday handicap race
The club’s annual handicap race will take place on Wednesday 16th August starting at 7pm from The Nags Head, Saltby.
Friday social run
Have a chatty run with other Striders from the Melton Country Park cafe/car park at midday.
Saturday parkrun pacing event
Lots of volunteers have stepped forward – many thanks – so we have all the pacer spots covered and a number of other roles too. You’ll receive an email from parkrun later in the week with some more info but please can the pacers report to Mark Tyler and the other volunteers to the RD (Liz) for briefing.
Let’s get the white and blue of Striders out in force and chat to other parkrunners to show what a friendly bunch we are.

Week commencing 7th August

Last Wednesday 27 Striders raced the Joy Cann 5.  The wet weather didn’t prevent great running with loads of County Standards earned – including David B with Diamond(!), 6 Golds, 9 Silvers, 7 Bronze, 2 Copper and 2 Pewter – well done everyone. Just one more race to go in the LRRL series now – the Rotherby 8 on 3rd September.
Striders have been at a variety of parkruns locally and all over the country including Brian at Valentine’s (London), Anthony and Katy at Sandringham and Ian at Garvagh Forest (N.Ireland).
And there were a few Striders swimming across Rutland Water early this morning too.
Finally, today at the Nottingham Festival of Running, 3 junior Striders ran the 1.5K race around Colwick Racecourse with Josh V, Max P and Harlan H finishing 2nd, 3rd and 4th – well done boys!


Let us know what you’ve been up to or share it in the Facebook group – whether it’s running or other sporting activities – I’m sure we’ll all be really interested to know more.
A few bits of advanced notice for you all:
Handicap race
The club’s annual handicap race will take place on Wednesday 16th August from The Nags Head, Saltby.
For those that haven’t taken part before, every runner is allocated a start time which should – in theory – mean that everyone finishes at the same time.  So the likely slowest runner sets off first, then then next person a minute later, with individuals or groups setting off at different intervals until the fastest starts last.  Then the race is on!  Can you catch the person in front of you?  Or keep ahead of them and chase the person in front of you?  When you get to the finish, will there be a sprint to determine the winner?
The route is the same as last year and is approx. 5 miles.  This is open to everyone and is free to enter, with some prizes from Michael at Melton Sports for the first 3 finishers.
Chris needs to know who’s coming so that he can work out relevant handicaps for everyone. Enter by 10pm on 13th August by emailing in, commenting on the Facebook post or messaging Chris Genes.  He’s asked for 4 volunteers to help too, if anyone is available.
parkrun pacing event
On Saturday 19th August – very soon! – we’re offering pacers plus many of the other volunteers again at Melton Mowbray parkrun.
We’re looking for pacers for finish times between 22 mins and 34 mins – contact Mark Tyler if you’re interested in doing these roles.
If you’re interested in timekeeping, handing out finish tokens, barcode scanning (possibly after running), being funnel manager, marshal, parkwalker, tailwalker, photographer or VI guide, please reply back to this email or message me.
Lots of people needed – please help out if you can.
CPR and Defib training
Would you like to learn a basic but very important life saving skill?
Katie H-H is very kindly delivering CPR and defibrillator training, plus other nuggets of information on managing an emergency First Aid incident, on Thursday 7th September, 7pm at Melton Town Clubhouse (at the back of Melton Sports Village where the AGM took place). Please email back or comment on the Facebook post if you are interested in attending.
Onto this week’s sessions:
Tuesday grass track session
Once again, John M will put you through your paces on the grass track at Longfield School.
Make your way onto the upper field for a 7pm start.  Suitable for everyone.  We’ve had really good numbers attending these sessions so far.
Wednesday Outrun
There are 2 routes this week from Thrussington, 6.5 miles lead by Vicki G and a shorter 4.5 route lead by Liz G. Both routes follow a mix of well used footpaths over fields, with some gravel track and a bit of road. There is a bit of long grass and a few overgrown nettles but nothing too bad. Both routes are relatively flat. 
Please meet on Thrussington village green outside The Star Inn (LE7 4UH) for a 7pm start. Parking is very limited at the pub, but there are plenty of parking places on the side streets.

Week commencing 31st July

Hopefully Lee A (and his friend Lewis) are having a well earned rest this weekend after their epic charity walk on Thursday/Friday – walking all 80 miles of the Leicestershire Round while carrying 15kg of equipment in 35 hours and 15 mins.  They’ve raised £2,500 so far for Blesma (the limbless veterans charity) – still time to sponsor them:
Also congratulations to Emma G who was the overall ladies winner at the Outlaw 5K swim yesterday in an impressive 1 hr 25 mins. That’s 200 lengths of a normal swimming pool in choppy open water!
Tuesday grass track session
For those not racing on Wednesday, John’s offered to redo last week’s session at Longfield, starting at 7pm on the top field.  Hopefully the track will have been marked out by then.
Wednesday – Joy Cann 5 (LRRL race)
This 5 mile race starts at 7:30pm from Next Head Office, Desford Road, Enderby, LE19 4AT.
With only 2 more races left in the LRRL and our teams/individuals in great positions in the league, there’s a lot to play for.  Also many that will be going for a club or county standard time on a course that is relatively fast and flat.
We’re hoping to have the club tent/flag as a meeting point.  Please can the first person there pick up the race numbers for everyone.
More info at this link:
Wednesday – optional outrun
Simon B has kindly offered to lead an extra outrun for those who didn’t manage to get a place at the Joy Cann race.
Meet at the Stilton Cheese, Somerby, LE14 2QB for a 7pm start.
Please respond to this email if you’re interested, so that we can gauge numbers.
Friday lunchtime social run
Ian’s taking a well earned break for a couple of weeks but, as mentioned recently, there’s likely to be a few running anyway.  So please meet at the Melton Country Park car park at midday if you fancy a chatty run in a lovely location.

Week commencing 24th July

First just a plea on behalf of Melton Mowbray parkrun which is desperate for volunteers over the next few weeks, especially as many people are away on holiday during that time.  Please email them at MeltonMowbray@parkrun.com if you can help.
For those keen to run, why not try the following roles: Event Day Course Check (a gentle lap of the course to check for obstacles), First Timers’ Welcome or Barcode Scanning (after running – if you’re a sub-24 minute runner).
I’m not aware of any races that took place last week or are taking place this week – so it’s time for holidays or just some solo training ready for Joy Cann 5 the week after (for those lucky enough to get a place).
Tuesday grass track session
The 2nd of the 5 sessions is this week – meet at Longfield school ready for a 7pm start – and John M will put us through our paces.
Chris V (visually impaired athlete) would like a guide to take part in this session, if anyone fancies doing this, please email back or contact him directly.  No previous experience required.
Wednesday outrun
Helen P and Mark S are leading this week’s outrun from the Fox and Hounds pub, Knossington, Oakham LE15 8LY – starting at 7pm.
There will be two routes – approx. 7 miles and 5.5 miles.  Both include some rough sections plus a very wet and muddy stretch through the woods (after all the rain we’ve had).  Therefore trail shoes are strongly advised. For those with dogs or not keen on farm animals, there are some sheep and cattle in a few of the fields.
Afterwards, the lovely landlord will keep the kitchen open in case anyone wants chips or other food options.
Friday social run
Join Ian B and crew for another chatty run around Melton Country Park, meeting at midday by the cafe.

Week commencing 17th July

Good evening all. With Andy away enjoying a well earned holiday I’m sending out this weeks update.
With Leicestershire schools breaking up for the summer holidays at least a week before the rest of the country we are lucky that we can  take advantage of an early family holiday before the prices sky rocket! So for those members away. – enjoy.
After a manic period of races over the past couple of weeks I’m only aware of one race competed this week and that was the Windmill Race (one of only two fell races held in the County – the other being the Charnwood Hill Race). Four members took on the tough route – great running David B, Lee H-H, Ant I and Katie H. In addition Adam H recently completed the Snowdonia Trail Marathon and his report/feedback can be found here http://www.stiltonstriders.co.uk/latest-news/
Moving onto this week, on Tuesday John Martin and Paul Jacobs will be starting a six week track session, on the grass running track at Longfield School commenting at 7:00pm. Meet in the carpark just before 7:00pm and we’ll walk over to the track to start. If you have never participated in the structured track session you will be surprised at the improvements you will make through gaining speed and stamina. Give it a try – you will not regret it.
Last Wednesday we had an unbelievable turnout of 36 runners for our Outrun from Asfordby. This week we are meeting outside the Rose and Crown, Tilton on the Hill (LE7 9LF) to commence at 7:00pm. There are two challenging routes: the longer one lead by Amelia Fisher is  7.00 miles/10.2k, running down to and under the John O’Gaunt viaduct before climbing back up to Tilton. The shorter route, lead by myself, is 5.3 miles/ 8.5k and is also a challenging down and back up to Tilton route – both very enjoyable. Food is available for those wanting it afterwards at the pub.
Also on Wednesday evening don’t forget to enter the final LRRL race of the season, the Rotherby 8. If you are running the Outrun you can always buddy up with another member who can enter for you. They will need your DoB, EA Number, your email and phone number. You can thank them and pay them later. Hopefully this time the process will not be a troublesome as for the Joy Cann 5.
The Thursday sessions are suspended over the next six weeks whilst John and `Paul are hosting the Tuesday track sessions. We shall let you know when they recommence.
Friday our ‘chatty runs’ will continue through out the summer, starting at 12:00 noon outside the Country Park cafe and Ian Bickle will be there this week to meet and greet you.
Hope that you all have an enjoyable week.

Week commencing 10th July

Good luck to anyone who’s entered the Windmill fell race this week – one of only 2 fell races in Leicestershire, I believe.
Thanks to everyone who donated sports clothes for the refugee women/children and also money for the Long Clawson primary school at Ian Bickle’s outrun – that raised £95 – you generous lot!
This week included the final 2 races in the Holme Pierrepont Grand Prix series with Duncan G, George W, Kurt W, Mark P, Ian C, Rob M, David H, Vanessa W and Alison W completing all 4 races plus the “Melton T Birds” – Kurt, Mark and Rob – finishing 3rd men’s team overall!
At the Watermead Challenge 5 mile race, Anthony I was the sole Strider taking part.
This Friday it was the Whissendine 6ix with Julie A finishing as first Whissendine lady and Jason B was 2nd overall, definitely coming back into form now.


The London marathon ballot places were also announced this week – congratulations to Duncan G, Dan G and Jamie D for securing their places.  For those that were unsuccessful, don’t forget to apply (later in the year) for the club’s place – assuming we are allocated one as normal.
Grass track sessions
To follow on from last year’s popular sessions, we’ve booked the grass track at Longfield School for 6 consecutive Tuesdays over the summer, starting from Tuesday 18th July.  More info to follow but save those Tuesdays to give your training a welcome boost.
Wednesday outrun
Abi and Vicki are leading this week’s outrun routes, meeting at Asfordby Village Hall, Main Street, LE14 3SA for 7pm.  For those staying on at the pub later, there is some parking at The Crown pub too.
Food will be served for orders up to 9pm.  It’s fajitas/mexican night, so if you want something more substantial than chips/sides, please email Vicki so she can pre-order for you (lowe740@btinternet.com).
There are 2 routes – approx. 4 miles and 10K.
Friday lunchtime social run
Over the summer, the Friday runs should continue each week although may not have a named leader.
Please turn up to the Melton Country Park, by the cafe, ready to run at midday for a run and a chat.

Week commencing 3rd July

Is everyone still on a high after Wednesday’s 3 Club Challenge?  A fantastic turnout with 36 Striders running and a fair few marshalling too.  John & Holly hosted at the Grange with Katie in charge of the race itself as Run Director.  I really enjoyed the new course and the weather was a bit kinder thankfully.   To top it off, we won!  Great running from everyone, especially Dan and Jason who liked it so much they ran an extra field or two…
Last night’s curry proved popular too – great to see so many Striders out and not wearing running clothes. Thanks to Mark for organising.
So other than the 3CC this week, there were a number of Striders at the first two Holme Pierrepont Grand Prix races – Kurt, Duncan, Rachel, Vanessa, Mike, Alison, David, George, Mark, Rob and Ian – a 4 mile race at Rushcliffe and a 10K at Holme Pierrepont lake.  The series continues next week with a fast, flat 5K and a more hilly 5 mile race.
Also racing at the Grafham Water 10K swimrun (jumping in and out of a lake for multiple swims and runs adding up to nearly 3K swimming and 8K running) were Rachel W and myself, battling through the waves on the long swim legs on a windy day was a particular challenge.
Coming up this week, along with the rest of the HPGP, are the Watermead Challenge on Tuesday and the Whissendine 6ix on Friday – both great local races – and culminating with the Steve Morris 5 LRRL race on Sunday (renamed in memory of a stalwart of the Desford Striders running club).
2 reminders for you all:
– sports clothes for refugee women/children – please remember to bring anything you wish to donate to the outrun this Wednesday (or deliver to Melton Sports or let me know if you can’t make either of those)
– membership fees for England Athletics – the grace period for membership ended on 30th June, so if you haven’t renewed yet, please pay your fees to the club this week if you wish to attend club sessions or race as a Strider
Wednesday outrun
This week is a slightly different offering.  Ian Bickle is hosting us in his lovely back garden after the outrun (shown below in green).  Please park in the red circled area, by the GP practice (an area known as the Sands, Long Clawson, LE14 4PA).

There are 2 routes – a 5.6 mile longer route which starts with some hills and a shorter 3.7 mile route that is much flatter.  Both include some tarmac, long grass, a few nettle patches and some muddy bits too so long socks are recommended.  Meet in the car park area for a 7pm start.
When we get back to Chez Bickle, there will be chip butties, soft drinks and some beers provided for everyone for an optional donation with all proceeds going to the Long Clawson primary school PTA. Anyone racing at HPGP that wants to save their legs is also welcome to attend the social and miss the outrun.
There’s more! Ian’s created a small, fun obstacle course for people to have a go at with a modest prize for the fastest!  Here’s part of the course to whet your appetite.

Inline image

Thursday session
John M’s leading an interval / fartlek session at MSV, meet in the car park for 7pm.  Suitable for all – newcomers to the club should definitely try these sessions out to get a good grounding with warm-ups/cooldowns (including relevant stretches) that you can build into your training and races.  Established club members would also benefit!
Friday lunchtime social run
Join Ian B (again!) and friends for a trot around the Melton Country Park, meeting by the cafe for a midday start.
Sunday LRRL race – Steve Morris 5 (Desford)
The race starts at 10am and there’s no space for club tents, so please find a location to meet up and collect race numbers.
Car parking is limited – please arrange to car share.  More details at the link below.  Good luck to everyone taking part, there’s been many fantastic individual and team results so far in the league.
Week commencing 26th June

Firstly, food orders for the 3 Club Challenge need to be received tonight please.
It’s ALL the races over the next few weeks with the Holme Pierrepont Grand Prix starting on Tuesday (4 races in 10 days), the Three Club Challenge (3CC) this Wednesday, then the Watermead Challenge and Whissendine 6 next week all happening in quick succession. Makes me feel tired just thinking about it and I’m only doing the 3CC!
But first, back to this week just gone.
I was VI guiding at the inaugural Bosworth 5 miles race on Thursday – much of the route would be familiar to those who’ve done the half marathon but the entry fee was a fraction of the price!
Did you see the parkrun men’s world record was broken yesterday? GB international Andy Butchart in Edinburgh, ran an insanely quick 13:45 to break the record that had stood since 2012.
Also racing yesterday at the Rutland 10k was new Strider (and “No Watch Race” winner) Lewis H and Nikola D-R.
Today was the Prestwold 10k with 30 Striders entered – a fantastic team – hopefully everyone finished and was able to recover quickly – I really don’t envy you running in that heat!
Elsewhere Steve M, Carol S-M and I were orienteering a few miles away in Barrow, making the most of any shade we could find.
At the Dambuster triathlon (standard distance), first Strider home was Niall R, followed by Andy M, Emma G, Mark T and Rachel W.
Finally, Leigh P’s photo is in the latest edition of Runners World in an article on VI runners in Bristol, rocking the Striders white and blue.
Wednesday 3 Club Challenge
It’s the welcome return of the 3CC, kindly hosted by the Grange, after a break for a few years.  There’s no cost to enter and is an informal race nothing too serious, so would be great to see lots of you there taking part.  £10 for food afterwards (pre-booked only), with the bar open too.
The course is mostly off-road and will have some narrow sections.  Please wear club vest/t-shirt if possible, I’ll bring a couple of spares for newer members.  7pm start, please car share where you can.
If anyone would be kind enough to donate a few spot prizes for the raffle, that would be much appreciated.
Friday social run
Ian B’s leading the lunchtime run again. Come and ease those aching legs with a chatty recovery run, meeting in the Melton Country Park car park at midday.

Week commencing 19th June

On Thursday, Alison S and Melissa H-H both successfully completed their first orienteering event at Burrough Hill (alongside Steve M, Carol S-M, Matt & Karen W)
Then on Friday, a small group of Striders ran the Rise of the Phoenix 5 mile race up (twice) and around Beacon Hill in very warm and humid conditions. Max and Harlan ran the junior race with Katie H-H & Bramble and Nikola D-R & Syd then running the canicross version, followed by Nicola T, Susie S, Abi A, Sarah L, Katie H, James S, John H,  Ant I (pushing Millie in her pushchair) and Chris G who all took on the main race.  Good to see this in the race calendar again and sounds like it was well supported.
Before we get further into this week’s events, just a reminder about next week’s Three Club Challenge which we are hosting from the Grange Garden Centre. Please remember to pre-order food if you want to eat afterwards otherwise just turn up and run. We really need to get as many members out running as possible and it’s always a fun event. Please refer to Chris’s separate email sent out during last week.
Also a polite reminder for any member that has forgotten to renew subscriptions for this season – please do so before we have to send out any individual reminders.
Wednesday outrun – No Watch Race
This Wednesday is the club’s annual No Watch Race. The venue is the Plough in Hickling, LE14 3AH, starting at 7:00pm.  Runners need to predict how long it will take them to run the 4.87 mile (7.84km) route. You then run without a watch, phone or another GPS aid and your actual finishing time will be matched against your predicted time. The closest person to their predicted time wins our coveted No Watch Trophy.  Sounds simple but it’s not so easy predicting a time, then running without your usual GPS aids.
Thursday session
For those not taking part in the inaugural Bosworth 5 race this Thursday, Paul J is leading one of his superb fartlek circuits at Melton Sports Village.  Meet in the car park for a 7pm start, suitable for all abilities.
Friday social run
Join Ian B and friends for a chatty run around the Melton Country Park, meeting at the car park for midday.
Sunday LRRL race
There are still some spaces left for the Prestwold 10K race this Sunday – entry at: https://www.evententry.co.uk/barrow-runners-prestwold-10k-2023?fbclid=IwAR1UwISN4wkdoChw6bLJe7LpYa_LjhBq0Lo89SNLY5zWa81dv6iVotQG-Lw  [Last entry Weds 21st June]
See also their website for more info about the race:
Although there is plentiful parking space there, always makes sense to try to car share where possible.  Good luck to all the Striders taking part, especially those amazing few who are in the top bracket for their age group and the vet ladies team who are top of Division 1!

Week commencing 12th June
What a couple of days – much better for a cycle or a swim than a run, but that didn’t stop lots of you getting your trainers on.
Last weekend Julia M took part in the Barry Island Sprint Triathlon and qualified for Team GB to take part in the European Championships 2024 – fantastic work Julia.  Some inspiration for the other triathletes within Stilton Striders.
On Tuesday was the Rothley 10K with Luke K, Katy H, Michael C and David H.
Then on Thursday the Chase the Sun races at Prestwold with Mark P running the 10 mile race and Vanessa trying hard to keep up with grandson Harlan in the 1 mile race.
Saturday was the Striders parkrun takeover with a decent number of runners, lots of Striders wearing club kit including 10 pacers. Suzie S was just 1 second under her suggested time and Mark P, Mike B and David H were all within 10 seconds of theirs.  Well done all.

Inline image

Today Sarah L took on the Carsington Water half marathon – how tempted were you to jump in the lake? – and Matt & Karen W and I were a couple of miles away from there doing an orienteering event and looking wistfully at the lake in the distance.  Also running the Foxton Trot (just over half marathon) were Alison S, Melissa H-H and Vanessa W (possibly others but can’t see any results as yet).  I hope you’ve all got a glass of something cold in your hands now.
In other news, congratulations to John Robinson who has qualified as an Athletics Coach in a very short time.  It was necessary to take this qualification including other athletics disciplines in order to coach the age range we have in the junior Striders.  A fantastic achievement which helps to secure the future of our juniors section.
Finally, as you know, we’re hosting the 3 Club Challenge again this year at the Grange on 28th June.  We could do with a few more marshals – could anyone help please?
Wednesday outrun
A last minute change to the published schedule, as the pub in Twyford is unfortunately closed. Instead meet at the Carrington Arms in Ashby Folville, LE14 2TE.  Dan G and Simon B are leading and the routes will be different to the ones a few weeks ago.  
Thursday session
John’s back from his European adventures – welcome back!  He’ll be leading a fartlek session at MSV, starting at 7pm.  Meet in the car park.
Friday social run
Join Ian B and friends for a social lunchtime run around the Melton Country Park.  Meet in the car park for a midday start.
Week commencing 5th June
First, just a reminder to please respond to the recent email about the new summer club vests if you’d like to pre-order one.
This coming Saturday we have the Striders pacing event / takeover at Melton parkrun again.  Would be great to see loads of you there, running, volunteering or spectating in Striders kit.

Today was the Swithland 6 league race, with another big turnout – 28 in the results! Hope you all had a good race.  Provisional results are here: http://lran.org.uk/  Unfortunately there was a Strider spotted littering during the race, which doesn’t make us look good.

Elsewhere Vicki G was running the “egg and cake” route (a social run most Sundays around Bradgate Park area – talk to Vicki if this is something you’d be interested in), Vanessa W was hiking the Edale Skyline and Helen P and Mark S went down to Fotheringhay, Northants for the 20 mile Nene Valley Trail Race, which was apparently an excellent, friendly event with a lovely course, if boiling!
Anyone racing the Rothley 10K this Tuesday?  Chris V and I will see you there.
Wednesday outrun
This week we’re running in the Vale of Belvoir from The Windmill Inn, RedmileNG13 0GA at 7pm with new routes for those worried about the infamous “death hill” segment last year!   Paul J is leading the long route (7.5 miles) and Chris G the shorter route (4.5 miles).  
The shorter route would be ideal for anyone wanting to try an outrun for the first time.
Road shoes are good for both routes if you don’t have trail shoes.
Food options are available but need to be ordered and sitting down by 8:30.  For this reason, we’ll be leaving bang on 7pm so please be ready to go on time.  The long route runners may struggle to be back in time for this cut-off even so – worth bearing in mind when you choose your route (or your dinner at home first!) – but maybe ask a friend to order (and pay) for you in the shorter group if you do go long.
Please park responsibly in the village, car sharing wherever possible.
Friday social run
Ian B will lead the run again this week.  Please meet in the Melton Country Park car park by the cafe for a midday start.
Saturday parkrun
So far we have the following volunteers for Saturday:
Finish tokens                     Ian Craddock
Barcode scanners x 2        Vacant – can be done by faster runners after running (no previous experience necessary)
Marshals                            Paul Jacobs, Vanessa Walker, need 2 or 3 more
Pacers                              Steve Ward (22), James Sutton (23), Rachel Wade (24), Nicola Taylor (25), Mike Brighty (26),
                                         Rob Mee (27), Chris Genes (28), Suzy Skelton (30), Mark Preston (32), David Hall (34)
Parkwalker                        Mark Tyler
Tail walkers                        Gina Bailey, Phil Warrington
Please arrive for 8:40am – Mark Tyler will distribute pacer bibs and I’ll brief the other volunteers.

Week commencing 29th May

The races are coming thick and fast – with West End 8, the Livingston Relays and the Swithland 6 on 3 consecutive weekends.
So back to this weekend and the vet ladies team lead the Striders home with a 2nd place, only 5 seconds behind the winners! Here’s Nicola T, Vicki L and Katie H with GB international Gemma Steel who – unsurprisingly – recorded the fastest ladies time of the day.