7 Nov 2015 – Seagrave Wolds Challenge 

Twelve Stilton Striders in attendance for the annual Seagrave Wolds challenge, a 16 mile XC event for runners and walkers, again as last year taking a route through the Wreake valley. It’s quite warm but very wet weather with many showers and quite strong winds, great when behind you bit hard going when not! As per usual we are set off by the town crier at 9a.m, 618 runners and walkers in today`s well sold out in advance event although not all did make the start line. The beginning couple of miles are best described as a warm up as on road up Berrycott Lane and onto Paudy lane as we come into Six Hills, a friend I run up with complains about `Not good in Walsh`s`. The first real stretch of muddy underfoot comes as we head towards Ragdale hall with driving rain hitting us face on, I’m running in tandem with fellow Strider Michael Atton making good headway as we hit the village of Hoby at the half way point.

For me that first hour went really quick and the route carries on through Brooksby and Rearsby, then quite a few miles of gates and stiles as we head towards Ratcliffe on the Wreake. Last couple of miles aren’t my finest but do my good turn shouting to someone who went the wrong way, and those who know me knew I’d be turning my nose up about running through a golf course! The hill back into Seagrave felt like climbing the side of Everest, not many out supporting today it is a bit rough weather-wise but get back in a time and position I’m massively proud of, mind you I think we all did well not just speed wise but conditions were erm challenging.

Naturally anyone who has done this event will tell you it’s one of the best organised and friendliest locally with extra special mention to the fabulous catering. Plenty of smiley faces from the team afterwards, not to mention a massive load of Running shirts for Katie Hateley`s Gambia appeal! [Rob]

Striders Results: Rob Beers (1:58:43, 18th place) Mike Bryan (2:03:24, 31st) Dan Valencia (2:05:48, 38th) Michael Atton (2 :05:50, 39th), Simon Bottrill (2:18:44, 91st), Richard Gray (2:24:13, 118th) Katie Hateley (2:24:16, 119th) John Houghton (2:25:13, 124th) Lee Quinn (2:26:28, 129th) Mike Brighty (2:36:47, 156th) Vicki Lowe (2:40:52, 178th) and Abigail Arnott (2:40:54, 179th)