24th April 2024
47 Stilton Striders members attended the annual AGM held at Melton Town Football Club’s pitch-side lounge. The meeting was chaired by Club Chair Chris `Genes supported by Treasurer Andy Nicholls.
The new Club Chair for 2024 was announced as Katie Houghton. AGM Minutes APRIL 2024
Please refer to attached link to review the full minutes of the AGM – April 2024 AGM Minutes.
1st May 2023
Thirty eight members attend the clubs AGM held in the Pitch-side Lounge at the home of Melton Town Football Club. The meeting was chaired by Club Chair Chris `Genes supported by Treasurer Andy Nicholls.
All members contributed though out the and their attendance and contributions were appreciated.
Headline points to note are as follows:
- All committee members were re-elected for 2023/2024
- Emily Howett was elected as a new committee member.
- The clubs Constitution was updated and adopted.
- It was agreed that membership fees for 2023/2024 again remain unchanged for another tear.
- The clubs accounts for 2022/2023 were approved.
Please refer to attached link to review the full minutes of the AGM 202AGM Minutes APRIL 20243 AGM Minutes
AGM 27th April 2023
A big thank you to everyone who attended the AGM – your contribution was appreciated. Below are the agreed actions to take forward.
• Committee to review club kit and subsidy with Michael Cooke
• Committee to review ‘Officer’ positions to EA guidance
• Committee to review Club Constitution to current EA guidance.
• Initiate ‘free’ club vest for 11+ juniors joint club for first time.
• Review and trial of new Handicap Race format.
• Prior to new XC season organise a trial run.
• Di to lead a one-off grass track session on local school grass track.
• Committee to review tail runners for winter club runs.
• Confirm date/venue of Three Club Challenge.
• Committee to review return of end of season presentation evening.
Full Minutes of meeting can be found here AGM Minutes April 2022
- 22 apologies tabled in advance, 30 members attended and participated. Therefore AGM was Quorate.
- 2020/2021 membership was 168 (seniors). Current membership 132 (including 17 new members)
- Minutes of virtual AGM October 2020 approved as true record.
- Matters arising completed: Club VLM place; 2019/2020 year end accounts and membership fees (see below).
- Chairs report will be added to minutes.
- Treasurers report will be added to minutes. 2020/2021 year end accounts approved.
- Juniors report will be added to minutes.
- Committee re-elected en-block. Chris (Chair), Andy (Treasurer), Jane Martin (Secretary), Paul Jacobs (Run Leader Co-ordinator), Nikola Dolphin-Rowland (Welfare Officer0, Ian Bickle and Joshua Dadd. After the meeting Zoe Wyko asked and was added to the committee.
- Membership fees: 2020/2021 retrospectively approved. 2021/2022 approved.
- Leicestershire Road Running League: Their AGM is 15 November, when 2022 season of races will be agreed. Stilton 7 proposed for 27th February 2022.
- Derby Runner Cross County League: First two race 14 November and 12 December. Club are purchasing a second tent for ladies.
- Run Leaders: Paul and John Martin currently only two RL’s providing sessions (Liz Goodburn resuming Dec/Jan). Appeal for additional RL’s. Club will fund England Athletics course fees.
- What do members want from the club – discussion: everyone happy with what is currently provided. Committee asked to consider the following: Booking a six week ‘core strength/stretching’ course to supplement Thursday RL sessions; possibility of a mid-day run group; Couch to 5k group (subject to availability of coaches and run leaders) and parkrun ‘takeover’. All will be looked at by committee.
- Running mojo. Proposal well received and a separate email to current and past members will sent out soon to expand on how this can be developed.
- There will not be a presentation event this year.
- Christmas do. In response to the poll the outcome is that members will be invited to met up at a pub (TBC) on Saturday 18th December for a pre-Christmas social gathering. In addition on Wednesday 15th there will be a club ‘Fuddle’ in the Rugby Club bar, at which those who have applied for and achieved club Standards will be presented with a certificate.
- The club are going to participate in the Festival of Christmas Trees as St.Mary Church (1-8 December) and the decorations will be race medals.
- Webpage: The contents are slowly being updated – please bear with us. The club will concentrate of providing race reports for only Club Events (LLRL, Derby Runners XC, Livingstone relays, County Champs etc.) However, if members want to provide other race result details, or any other news, please email stiltonstriders@yahoo.co.uk and they will be added to the website.
4 October 2021 Your committee are asking for your support following our Club Night run on Wednesday 27th October when we are holding the clubs Annual General Meeting (AGM). 8.30pm in the Dance Studio (adjacent to Rugby Club Bar). Melton Sports Village. Burton Road.
Friday evening ‘Social Chatty Runs’
Virgin London Marathon Charity donations.
Presentation Evening.
The committee would like to consider hosting a year end Christmas party get together to celebrate the club riding out the restrictions placed on gatherings/races/training etc. However, with not linking this to a presentation evening and our membership numbers being by around 30% from pre Covid (albeit it steadily rising again) we don’t want to arrange a Christmas Party that ends up under subscribed. So we are putting this to members for views and we would appreciate it if you could respond with your preference from the following (each will be subject to any future restrictions, availability of venues, number of responses etc).
- I do not want to participate/attend a Christmas Party
- Hire a venue with bar and disco/live music. No food
- Hire a venue with bar and disco/live music with food
- Meet up at a pub and see how the evening goes – No food
- Meet up at a pub with a rebooked Christmas meal.
- Meet up after final club run in Rugby club bar and have a Christmas fuddle.
- Not bother with any form of Christmas Party this year.
- Any other option you may suggest.