Starting on Thursday 23rd June 2016, the club is adding a new weekly structured session for all our senior members. This is a coached session, around an hour in length including structured warm up and cool down and a focussed session such as fartlek, sprints, hill repeats, relays, etc – all aimed to help our runners develop over time. Each session is planned in advance by our coaches and will flex to take into account popular local races, spring marathons, etc.
Over the summer months, the meeting point is at Melton Country Park Visitor Centre at 7pm, directly following the junior training session. Over the winter we will vary the location around town depending on the focus of the session.
The intention is to provide the opportunity for focussed training for motivated athletes, whatever their current ability and also for those keen to get involved in coaching to do so in a supportive, inclusive environment. Ultimately, we all run for our own reasons and have our own goals – we hope these sessions help us all to achieve them.